Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021 – THIS CHURCH THAT WAS GIVEN QUIT NOTICE – 2

Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021



Always remember that ONE DAY, you will leave all the millions or monies behind. You will leave the lands, houses, the cars, the clothes, etc, and leave this planet EMPTY! Let God use you to INCREASE HIS WORK. Let Him use you as a FINANCIAL PILLAR to support divine projects on this planet. Job said(Vs.21):

ODM Devotional
Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021

Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021 – THIS CHURCH THAT WAS GIVEN QUIT NOTICE – 2

“…Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away, blessed be the name of the LORD.” Though he was a RICH MAN, he was wise! Ananias and his wife Sapphira tried to hide their wealth from God and they died instantly. Their children became instant orphans in one day!

That will never be your portion. DON’T OVERLOOK ANY PROJECT CONCERNING GOD’S WORK IN YOUR LOCAL CHURCH OR ANYWHERE! Nothing is too small and nothing is too big. Always give cheerfully and with ALL YOUR HEART! It’s an INSULT FOR MONEY TO CAUSE EVIL MEN to DISGRACE God’s work. Arise now and decree that you will not spend your money on sickness or accidents, etc.

Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021 – THIS CHURCH THAT WAS GIVEN QUIT NOTICE – 2

Do you know how many billions are hidden in banks because the owners died suddenly without their wives or family members knowing about such monies? Yes! Bankers tell me such things. What a world of vanity. Sow anywhere you find a need in God’s house. Help the needy and the poor too. Pay someone’s school fees. Place someone on scholarship. Help widows!

Sow a seed towards the ODM children church auditorium into any account on page 29 of this booklet and let me know via an e-mail to orderodm@gmail.com, etc. I shall respond to you by sending you 3 prayer points concerning your life and those of your children. You are leaving here EMPTY someday! Sow a seed called: “SUDDEN DEATH IS NOT MY NAME.”

Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021 – THIS CHURCH THAT WAS GIVEN QUIT NOTICE – 2

May your last days on planet earth not be called REGRETS! Pray now! If You Sowed Your 21-day or 14-day Fasting seed but did not get your Prophetic Psalm, kindly sent “NO PSALM To: orderodm@gmail.com Or Text/whatsapp +234-903-264-8292. Write the type of SEEDS you sowed. Whatsapp and email are preferable; find someone to help you out.

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Great is Thy faithfulness… Click here

  1. O LORD, as long as I live, Your work will not suffer. Use me to build the ODM CHILDREN CHURCH and other projects anywhere in Jesus name.

2 OLORD, make me a financial pillar in Your house. SUDDEN PREMATURE DEATH SHALL PASS OVER MY ADDRESS in Jesus name (Pray it for your family seriously).
3 Poverty and demotion will never be my names in Jesus name.

  1. As I give to God’s work and sow my seed, I shall never answer the title of “ONCE UPON A TIME” in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021 – THIS CHURCH THAT WAS GIVEN QUIT NOTICE – 2
  2. Through PROSPERITY, Your work will spread on this planet. Lord, prosper me in Your own way and use me beyond my imagination.


Our Daily Manna Devotional 6 August 2021 – THIS CHURCH THAT WAS GIVEN QUIT NOTICE – 2


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Nonye Nnani
Nonye Nnani
3 years ago

No more bible in one year reading plan? It used to be an awesome blessing sir. Beautiful day .

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