Our Daily Manna For Champions Today 10th July 2018 – WEDDING GOWN ROBBERS: RUN MAD!

Our Daily Manna For Champions Today 10th July 2018



Welcome to today’s devotional with the God whose right Hand is glorious in power! The Holy Ghost is going to use this 14- day prayer/fasting programme to DEMOLISH the activities of STUBBORN WEDDING GOWN ROBBERS! Yes, the LORD will do LOTS of DIVINE SURGICAL OPERATIONS AGAINST YOUR AHITHOPHELS (YOUR HATERS) but He is determined to give you a NEW MARITAL NAME! Note that the activities of WEDDING GOWN ROBBERS date back to GENESIS!


Our Daily Manna For Champions Today 10th July 2018

When God declared that the SEED OF THE WOMAN will bruise the HEAD of the SERPENT, satan, the chief robber of family life, drew a battle line against the family/marriage institution. SATAN ATTACKS THE MAN, THE WOMAN AND THE SEED (CHILDREN OR FUTURE CHILDREN)! “And I will put enmity between thee and the and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15). Wow!

THIS IS WAR, BUT VICTORY IS SETTLED! Wedding gown robbers are basically anything that is robbing or wants to rob you of your marital bliss, joy and happiness. The primary aim of WEDDING GOWN ROBBERS is to make you to NEVER GET MARRIED, MARRY THE WRONG PERSON or regret ever marrying your spouse! ODM today Tuesday July 10th 2018  – WEDDING GOWN ROBBERS: RUN MAD!

Our Daily Manna For Champions Today 10th July 2018

Satan’ s aim is to give you a MARITAL NAME THAT GOD HAS NOT GIVEN YOU! But catch this good news now: The Lord will change your name from “MARITAL TURBULENCE” to “MARITAL SETTLEMENT!” See Isaiah 34:16 later: “…NONE SHALL WANT HER MATE.” Wow! I prophesy: EXPECT A SHOCKING MARITAL TESTIMONY during and after this 14-day fasting programme and as I lay hands on you at the last-day LAGOS ANOINTING SERVICE, 7AM. I am commanded to lay hands on all present.

Also, Sow A “MARITAL TESTIMONY SEED” (MTS) into any of the accounts on page 29 of this booklet and send a Whatsapp to +234-8144 044-226, or e-mail orderodm@gmail.com and I will send you 3 ANTI-MARRIAGE BULLDOZER PRAYERS and a MARITAL PSALM. You can sow for others and stand in the gap. Refuse to quit now! Too many people are waiting for you to give up! Disappoint them! This is your year! This is your season! Amen!! Today is Day 3 of the 14-day fasting programme. PRAY THE GENERAL PRAYERS ON PAGE 93 → Click here AND PRAYERS ON PAGE 43  Click here OF THE “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-13” BOOKLET.

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now. ODM Hymns and Praise Worship Songs
1. LORD, I shall not want my mate; decorate me martially through this fasting programme. I am NOT a QUITTER in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna For Champions Today 10th July 2018
2. Robbers of my marital peace, harmony and joy, RUN MAD now in Jesus name (Pray it for 3 days and 3 nights). Pray about any other issue(s) affecting your peace now Always see “The  Procedure/Process For Breaking Your Fast


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6 years ago

Good one Sir, may God bless you richly,Amen

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