Our Daily Manna ODM 20th March 2025

A wise man once said: “A wise man learns from the mistakes of others; only a fool insists on making his own.” Yes! There was a certain rich man in Lagos. He was truly wealthy! Whenever he travelled to Eastern Nigeria, a long convoy of heavily armed security would escort him. But he always did something unusual. As soon as they approached his village, he would step out and trek into the village in casual wear, and with a simple backpack. He would tell the convoy to go and wait at a hotel until he called for them on the return trip. Strange right? Knowing the dangerous demons in his village who destroyed good things, he decided to lie low. The great Chinua Achebe said: “Since the birds have learned to fly without perching, the hunter has learned to shoot without missing.” A wise man learns from the mistakes of others; only a fool will insist on making his own. There are certain battles you are fighting today because you did not know how to keep your mouth shut, and your doors of glory locked! Now they know all the secrets of your life. Desmond Dinny said: “The wise man does not lay bare all his plans; he keeps his secrets close to his heart.” Proverbs 13:16 (NIV) says, “All who are prudent act with knowledge, but fools expose their folly.” I decree: Every bondage you have unconsciously gotten yourself into by your actions or words, be set free now and in 2025 by fire in Jesus name! Pray now!
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PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Great is thy faithfulness.
- In your own words, pray about today’s WORD as led now.
- Lord, help me to guard my words with wisdom.
- Any mistake of my mouth; I am loosed from it in Jesus name.
- I decree: Every bondage I have unconsciously gotten myself
into by my actions or words, I TAKE MY FREEDOM NOW
and in 2025 by fire in Jesus name! Our Daily Manna ODM 20th March 2025 - Help me to learn from others’ mistakes, Lord.
- Thank God for answered prayers! Pray about today as led
now. See pages 7-9.
Hymn: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
History and Background
Author: Thomas O. Chisholm (1866–1960), an American poet and Methodist minister, wrote the lyrics in 1923. Unlike many hymns born out of deep tragedy, Chisholm’s inspiration came from a simple realization of God’s daily faithfulness, rooted in Lamentations 3:22–23: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Composer: William M. Runyan (1870–1957), a friend of Chisholm and a musician, composed the tune FAITHFULNESS to accompany the lyrics. Runyan’s prayerful approach to the composition, as noted on Hymncharts.com, ensured the melody carried the hymn’s message effectively, leading to its widespread adoption.
Publication and Popularity: The hymn was first published in 1923 in The Praise Hymnal and gained immense popularity after being included in the 1956 edition of The Methodist Hymnal. By 2025, it remains a staple in Christian worship worldwide, particularly in evangelical and Pentecostal circles, resonating with its message of God’s unchanging nature and daily provision.
Inspiration: As detailed on Hymncharts.com, Chisholm wrote the hymn during a period of ordinary life, not intense grief or dramatic encounters. Despite health struggles and modest financial means, he saw God’s faithfulness in the mundane, reflecting a profound trust in Scripture. This aligns with the themes of perseverance and divine provision often emphasized by Apostle Joshua Selman in his teachings at Koinonia.
Tune: The hymn is set to the tune FAITHFULNESS by William M. Runyan, a gentle, contemplative melody in 3/4 time, ideal for congregational singing and personal reflection. Its simplicity allows it to be paired with other hymns, as noted in the web results (e.g., medleys with “My Jesus, I Love Thee” or “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”).
Structure: The hymn features three verses with a repeating refrain, creating a meditative rhythm that invites worshipers to reflect on God’s steadfastness. It’s often sung slowly, emphasizing its lyrical depth.
Resources: As per Hymnary.org, the hymn is available in over 193 hymnals, with printable scores (PDF, MusicXML), playable presentations (lyrics only or with music), and audio files (MIDI). It’s a versatile piece for worship, suitable for Sunday services, personal devotion, or Koinonia gatherings in March 2025.
God’s Unchanging Nature: The hymn’s core message, drawn from Lamentations 3:22–23, declares God’s constancy—“There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not.” This aligns with Apostle Joshua Selman’s teachings on God’s faithfulness as the foundation for prophetic declarations and breakthroughs, as seen in the Koinonia post for February 2025 (e.g., “I decree and declare, may this week be different for good!”).
Daily Provision: The refrain, “Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,” echoes the Koinonia emphasis on divine provision and favor, resonating with prayers for abundance and breakthroughs in March 2025.
Hope and Peace: The hymn’s references to “pardon for sin,” “peace that endureth,” and “bright hope for tomorrow” mirror the hope-filled declarations in Selman’s ministry, such as protection from harm, health, and victory over challenges, as seen in the February 2025 Miracle Service post.
Connection to Koinonia’s Context: While not directly referenced in the Koinonia post, the hymn’s themes of God’s faithfulness, mercy, and provision align perfectly with Selman’s prophetic declarations for March 2025. It could serve as a worship song during Koinonia Miracle Services, reinforcing the message of divine stability amid Nigeria’s economic and social challenges in 2025, such as inflation and unemployment.
By March 2025, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” remains a cornerstone of Christian worship, particularly in Nigeria, where Pentecostal movements like Koinonia thrive. Amid Nigeria’s economic struggles—high inflation, rising living costs, and unemployment—the hymn’s message of God’s unchanging provision and mercy offers comfort and inspiration, aligning with Selman’s declarations of breakthrough and favor.
Koinonia Global’s digital outreach on X, with over 1 million followers by early 2025, could feature this hymn in online services or posts, tying it to prayers and declarations for March 2025, such as those for health, financial increase, and spiritual awakening. Its simplicity and depth make it ideal for congregational singing during Miracle Services in Abuja or virtual gatherings.
The hymn’s focus on daily mercies resonates with Selman’s call to trust God’s timing and provision, as seen in the February 2025 post’s emphasis on “helpers coming speedily” and “tears of joy” instead of sorrow, making it a fitting anthem for the new month.
In Worship: Sing or play it during Koinonia Miracle Services, personal devotions, or church gatherings in March 2025 to reinforce faith in God’s faithfulness, aligning with Selman’s prophetic declarations.
In Prayer: Use its lyrics as a basis for prayers, such as thanking God for His daily mercies, declaring His provision for March 2025 (e.g., “All I have needed Thy hand hath provided”), and trusting His peace and strength, as inspired by Selman’s prayers for protection and breakthrough.
In Declarations: Pair the hymn with Selman’s style of prophetic declarations, such as, “I declare that in March 2025, Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! I walk in Your new mercies, provision, and hope, in Jesus’ name!”
In Sharing: Share the hymn’s story and lyrics on X or other platforms to connect with Koinonia’s audience, reinforcing spiritual themes of trust and victory amid challenges, as noted in Nigeria’s context in 2025.
Hymnary.org: The hymn is cataloged with its first line, “Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,” and includes details about its author, tune, and publication history. It’s described as a hymn of praise for God’s steadfastness, fitting for worship and personal reflection.
Hymncharts.com: The story of Thomas Chisholm’s ordinary life—health struggles, modest income, and simple faith—highlights the hymn’s origin in daily trust in God, resonating with Koinonia’s emphasis on perseverance and divine favor. The site notes its pairing with other hymns, suggesting its versatility for medleys or extended worship sessions.