Our Daily Manna ODM 8 June 2024

Do you know that you don’t have to know someone before you experience favour from that person? I am sure that there are people that you have seen for the first time and you just immediately like them. That is favour! This was the same kind of favour that worked for Ruth. She was a stranger in the land of Israel, but when Boaz saw her, the favour of the Lord began to work for Ruth. He instructed his servants (paraphrased): “Make sure you leave large amounts of wheat for that woman and make sure nobody harasses her…” Suddenly, Ruth realised that she was having large amounts of wheat to gather and take home to her mother-in-law. God was working for her behind the scenes! That same God planted her love in the heart of Boaz and his kindness towards her increased all the more and eventually, they got married. Indeed, Ruth’s past was ugly, but even through the ugly events of our lives, there is an unseen Finger re-writing the history of our lives! Judging by her past, her future should be nothing to write home about. But God doesn’t look at your past to decide what your future will be! Also, God does not consult with people before He constructs your tomorrow! The only thing that He needs is a heart of trust. That is what He saw in Ruth and it moved Him to turn her into a “ROOT” of the Saviour! Yes, she became the great-grandmother of Jesus! I love what Boaz told her, “May a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel Under Whose Wings You Have Come To Trust.” Ruth trusted in the Most High God, and she was not disappointed and as you trust Him against ALL ODDS, shame shall be far from your address! Our Daily Manna ODM 8 June 2024
ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 7am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube. Our Daily Manna ODM 8 June 2024
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led now.
- Pray generally in your own words as you have been ministered
to by today’s WORD. - Father, clothe me with Your favour today. Let Your favour speak
for me today! Raise up men who will see me and see Your favour
upon me and speak kindly concerning me in Jesus name (Pray it
seriously). Our Daily Manna ODM 8 June 2024 - Father, let Your favour set me apart from the crowd. Re-write my
story from GROANING TO GLORY(Pray this seriously). - Pray concerning any other issue(s) as you are led now.
- Pray for this ODM vision; that the rain of God’s favour will fall
abundantly upon me and the entire team.
Our Daily Manna ODM 8 June 2024