Our Daily Manna ODM For 12 June 2024 THE RICHEST HAND IN THE WORLD!

Our Daily Manna ODM For 12 June 2024


Bishop Dr Chris
Bishop Dr Chris


The richest hand in the world is the hand of a giver. Givers never lack. If you truly have a heart of love, your hand will show it. Until you start giving richly and promptly at every opportunity, you will never be able to enjoy the best of all that God has in store for you. Harvey S. Firestone said: “You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.” I love what our Basic Scripture says, “God loves a cheerful giver.” Remember that love is an action word. When God sees someone give cheerfully, it moves Him. Giving is one of those few things that moves God to act on behalf of His people. And there is one thing that God always does in response to the giving spirit displayed by His children: He gives to them back in return. You can never outgive God. I think I need to say that again: You Can Never Outgive God. The More You Give To God, The More You Receive From Him.That is why the giver’s hand is always richer than the receiver’s hand. Jesus said it this way, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” In other words, when you give, you are positioned to enjoy more of God’s blessings than when are you receive. Unfortunately, many want to wait until they have enough before they give! There is something powerful and thrilling about giving when you do not have much! No man/woman is ever too poor that he/she has nothing to give. There is always something to give! Even if it’s just a helping hand; give it. Turn your hand into a giving hand today, and your days of lack will be over because your hand becomes the richest hand in the world

(Give towards this ODM vision today and let me know via orderodm@gmail.com. I shall send you “A PROMISE FOR VICTORY” prayers). ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube Our Daily Manna ODM For 12 June 2024

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Stand up for Jesus…

  1. Pray in your own words as you have been ministered to.
  2. Lord, I commit myself afresh to be a giver. I will give willingly,
    I will give cheerfully, and I will give promptly from this day!
  3. Pray about today! SCATTER ALL HARVEST EATERS! Our Daily Manna ODM For 12 June 2024
  4. Give towards this ODM vision today

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