Our Daily Manna Online 19 October 2023 – THE MAN WHO DEFIED DEATH AND WROTE 70 BOOKS!

Our Daily Manna Online 19 October 2023


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A man told by his doctor that he had only one year to live. He took up the challenge lives several years and became the author of over seventy books.

Anthony Burgess was 40 when he learned that he had only one year to live. He had a brain tumor that would kill him within a year. He knew he had a battle on his hands. He was completely broke at the time, and he didn’t have anything to leave behind for his wife, Lynne, soon to be a widow.

Mr Burgess had never been a professional novelist in the past, but he always knew the potential was inside him to be a writer. So, for the sole purpose of leaving royalties behind for his wife, he put a piece of paper into a typewriter and began writing. He had no certainty that it would even be published, but he couldn’t think of anything else to do.

He wrote energetically, fin- ishing five and a half novels be- fore the end of the year. But Bur- gess did not die; his cancer disappeared! He wrote more than 70 books; but without the death sentence from cancer, he may not have written at all.

Our Daily Manna Online 19 October 2023 – THE MAN WHO DEFIED DEATH AND WROTE 70 BOOKS!

Rise up and possess your possessions. Move on and make an impact. Forget whatever has limited you. Just because it is hard doesn’t mean it is impossible. Take giant steps.

Move away from the frontiers of the FEAR OF THE FUTURE! Tear to pieces the report sheet of failure or FEAR OF BETRAYAL. Let nothing hinder you. Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.


If you’re going through hell (difficulties), keep going because everyone has his day, and some days last longer than others.Yes! Turn your setbacks to motivation.

Our Daily Manna Online 19 October 2023 – THE MAN WHO DEFIED DEATH AND WROTE 70 BOOKS!

Turn that negative experience to a ladder that will take you to unimaginable heights. BE STUBBORN TO QUITTING, NO MATTER HOW 2023 has been. Like Caleb you can declare; “Now, give me this mountain” (Joshua 14:12).

Do not run away from your mountain (challenge or haters). They are your ladders to the top! Yea! Climb that ladder. Leap over that mountain and you shall be celebrated in this generation!(Give out ODM COP- IES as led. Your testimony could be tied to it).

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Higher ground…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
  2. I curse every arrow of discouragement, depression, worry anxiety, self-pity or inferiority complex in Jesus name.

  3. Like Caleb I declare now: Oh, you mountain! I shall possess you and win (mention any challenge and pray for 3 days).

  4. Pray about today! As 2023 draws to an end, oh Lord, take me to the palace of my destiny in Jesus name. Pray in tongues now!

Our Daily Manna Online 19 October 2023 – THE MAN WHO DEFIED DEATH AND WROTE 70 BOOKS!


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