Our Daily Manna Sunday- 24th June 2018 – TOPIC: CONFIDENCE IN THE STORM!

Our Daily Manna Sunday- 24th June 2018


Basic Scripture Hebrews 13: 1-8

remember that I wrote years ago about Martin Luther, son of a poor German miner, who was born on November 10th 1483, and one hour before midnight (the eleventh hour). He was a great reformer and I am led to use his life to encourage you concerning this year 2018! He wrote 37 hymns, but the greatest was titled: “A mighty fortress is our God.” We shall read through a portion of that hymn today based on our scripture text.

Our Daily Manna Sunday- 24th June 2018

Our Daily Manna Sunday- 24th June 2018

It is a song of courage in depression, doubt, and confusion. In this year 2018, when all hell is let loose against your life, you can remember that God is a mighty fortress. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Meditate on the inspirational hymn lines below:

A mighty fortress is our God
A bulwark never failing
Our helper in the flood.
Our mortal yet prevail,
For still our ancient foe,
Doth seek to work us woe.

His craft and power are great,
And armed with cruel hate,
On earth, is not his equal?
Was not the right man on our side?
The man of God’s own choosing.
Dost ask what that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is He-Lord Sabbath His name,

From age to age, the same; and he must win the battle!

Our Daily Manna Sunday- 24th June 2018

Yes! He must win the battle read today’s text again [vs.5] and may your confident in God never fail. He will never fail. He will never leave you even in the storm center! Trust him in the “eye of the storm” around your life/ ministry! Refuse to quit because: The best way out of any battle is always through!

No wonder Martin Luther king Jr quipped: “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” That first step is faith in your commander-in-chief: THE MIGHTY FORTRESS IN STORMS! Ah! Your result in 2018 will exceed your expectations and you will see the downfall of those that hate you! Amen and amen! Pray now!

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 5: When the morning comes…
1. Pray about today’s word generally as led now
2. God my helper, amidst the floods of life, give me the grace to trust you today and always in Jesus name
3. Read Isaiah 49;25 and pray it seriously
4. Lord, turn my life, family and ministry from
Desecration to decoration in Jesus name.


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