Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023 DIED WITH A WINNING LOTTERY TICKET

Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023



Daily Manna ODM
Daily Manna ODM

Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023

In September 2021, the body of a 57-year-old man from Michigan in the United States was found washed up on the beach in Huron County. When the body was found, something strange was also found tucked away in the wallet found on the body. The man had been playing a lottery game called THE JACK in an inn called the Blue Water. In that month of September, he had won a whopping sum of 45,000 dollars while playing the game! He returned to the inn in good spirits when he discovered he had Won such an amount of money and bought things for the patrons of the inn in celebration. Unfortunately, he did not cash the money! He went to the beach and while tying up his boat, he somehow lost his footing, hit his head and ended up in the water. An autopsy said he drowned and there was no foul play Suspected. The police station reported that his relatives would be able to collect the $45,000 he had won. What a sad story! The man had what he did not enjoy! He Laboured For Others To Eat! That Shall Not Be Your Story This Year! Today’s devotional scripture tells the story of a boy called Abijah, the son of King Jeroboam. The young man was ill as a result of the misdeeds of his father, the king. The father asked the mother to go and see Prophet Ahijah to find out what would be the fate of the boy. The boy eventually died. What is most painful in the whole story is that Abijah was a good boy in whom was “found some good thing toward the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam” (Verse 13). He was buried with all his potentials! My prayer for someone using today’s devotional is that: You Will Not Die In Vain This Year! You Will Not Labour In Vain! May You Eat The Good Of The Land! Somebody Will Not Represent You On Your Testimony Day (His Relatives Represented This Lottery Winner!)! Ah! No power can change YOUR “CONGRATULATIONS” TO “SORRY” THIS YEAR! You will suck honey out of every rock of offence and wine shall flow from your rock of defense! 2023 is your year! (ODM is the best gift item. Let somebody get blessed with it also). Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023

Yesterday ODM: Daily Manna Online 27 January 2023 THE TWO ANGELS AND THEIR RECORD SHEETS:GIVE THANKS!

TODAY IS THE WORLD ANOINTING PHYSICAL SERVICE! Time: 12pm (Nigeria Time)! See you physically today!

Venue: MANNA MOUNTAIN HEADQUARTERS (Jehovah Over Do Center), 8-10 Omotayo Banwo Street, Ogudu Orioke, via Ojota Lagos! Come with your points of contact – oil, baby clothes, etc. Be ready to bring and pray with your sand!! WRITE DOWN THE THINGS YOU DON’T WANT IN 2023! We shall tear them today during prayers! Also, CONNECT VIA FACEBOOK: ourdailymannaworldwide YOUTUBE: Manna TV International. Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.

  1. LORD, thank you for the Word! Somebody will not represent me
    on my testimony day in Jesus name (Pray it well). Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023
  2. Father, terminate every negative plan of the enemy aimed at
    terminating my journey in life midway. No power can change my
  3. Oh Lord, I shall not labour for others to eat. Pray about today
    now! I scatter every PREMATURE DEATH ARROW.

Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023


Our Daily Manna Today 28 January 2023

TOMORROW ==> ODM DAILY 29 January 2023 Daily Devotional TAKE BOLD STEPS OF FAITH… 2023 IS ACTION YEAR!


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