Our Daily Manna Worldwide 5 June 2024 STOP OPPORTUNITY WASTERS: SEIZE THE DAY!

Our Daily Manna Worldwide 5 June 2024


Our Daily Manna
Our Daily Manna


A great man once said that you can count the number of seeds in a fruit, but you cannot count the number of fruits in a seed. This relationship between seed and fruit is similar to the relationship between time and opportunity. You can count the number of opportunities you have gotten in a day, but you cannot count the number of days you have wasted by passing away those opportunities. Hundred of years ago, the leading Roman poet, Horace, penned those powerful words, “SEIZE THE DAY.” The blessings that God has packed into today are unequalled. They are blessings that you have never seen before, and that you may never see again. It is good for you to get yourself prepared to receive those blessings. Most of those blessings will come as opportunities to work. When those opportunities come, seize them. Don’t turn your back on honourable work. In all labour, there is profit. Let me remind you though that the devil will do his worst to make sure that you don’t make the best use of the opportunities that come today. He will turn your attention to the negative things that are happening. He will turn your attention to the desired things that have not happened. He will send people to you that will speak words and do things to distract you. Don’t give him the chance to rob you of your blessings. Ephesians 4 shows us how to deal with him. GIVE NO PLACE TO THE DEVIL. Don’t give him any foothold. If you observe the wind, you will not sow. The wind represents the things that the devil is doing to get your attention off the blessings of God. Don’t observe the winds. They are unstable. They are subject to change. The only thing to observe is the Word of God. When you do, the blessings that God has prepared for you to enjoy will not elude you. Remember the words of Ruth Ann Schabacker, “Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.”

ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6:30am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship as led.

  1. Pray on any personal lesson learnt from today’s word.
  2. Father, I receive restoration of all the good things that I
    have lost since 2024 began. LET YOUR MERCY PREVAIL
    OVER ME and RESTORE me to where You destined for me.
  3. I receive all that You have prepared and packaged for me to
    enjoy today. I will not miss out on anything in Jesus name

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