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Powerful ODM Prayer Points to end the Month 28 February 2022

Powerful ODM Prayer Points to end the Month 28 February 2022


odm prayer
Month Ending Prayers

I decree: NO BATTLE SHALL CONSUME YOU THIS YEAR! There is what is called the doctrine of “RES JUDICATA.”

It is a Latin term for “a matter decided.” It says that there must be an end to litigation. Parties are not permitted to bring fresh litigation. “Res Judicata” means A MATTER CONCLUDED by a judicial decision.

It is an affirmative defense barring the same parties from litigating a second lawsuit on the same claim, or any other claim arising from the same transaction or series of transactions, Wow! That means whatever you call battle in your life has been concluded in your favour by the HIGHEST COURT OF THE UNIVERSE WHICH SAT AT MOUNTAIN CALVARY ABOUT 2000 YEARS AGO, ON AN OLD RUGGED CROSS and the FINAL VERDICT WAS-IT IS FINISHED! IT IS FINISHED! IT IS FINISHED! Yes, the expiry date has been designed and decided and there is nothing the devil or anyone can do about it.

Shout 7 times now: “I SHALL SEE THE EXPIRY DATE OF THIS AND OTHER BATTLES” (mention it) I prophesy: whether the devil or your haters like it or not, that battle shall expire by fire this year. There is an end to that spiritual battle. There is an end to that health, financial, career, business and marital battle. Only god has no end! Psalm 102:27 says: “but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.” Then Isaiah 9:7 says: “of the increase of his government and place there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever…”

  • Genesis 26:18; lord, restore my lost wells, I shall not labour in vain; I take back my wasted year in Jesus name.
  • Any plan to cover or stop or deny me of my well (job, career, business ideas), scatter, scatter and scatter now in Jesus name.
  • I shall locate my well. O lord, open my eyes to discover hidden treasures within and around me in Jesus name.
  • Satan you are a liar, THE STRIFE IS OVER, you cannot claim my well; get out of my way in Jesus name.
  • O God, increase my source of livelihood; I shall dig wells this year in Jesus name.
    well attackers, enough is enough; dry up, dry up, dry up now in Jesus name. Powerful ODM Prayer Points to end the Month 28 February 2022
  • SATAN MUST HEAR THIS: I SHALL SEE THE EXPIRY DATE OF THIS BATTLE; God shall make room for me in Jesus name.
  • O God, make ROOM for me in this land (mention the name of your country, state, city or town); I shall not be stranded in Jesus name.
  • O God, make ROOM for me in this land (mention it again); FRUITLESS EFFORTS, pass over my address in Jesus name.
  • Psalm 37: 37; O God, the end of my life’s story shall not be peace and not pieces in Jesus name.
  •  I shall end this with my guaranteed divine surprise banquet to the disgrace of any hater in Jesus name.
  • Isiah 9:7; I serve a God who has no end, therefore, there shall be no end to my divine surprise success story this year in Jesus name.
    Powerful ODM Prayer Points to end the Month 28 February 2022
  • father, your government and power planning to end my story and make a history in 2022, must wither now by fire in Jesus name.
  • Jehovah THE ENDLESS GOD, end this ENDLESS delay and pain now by fire in Jesus name.
    whatever look an endless affliction, your time is up; be terminated by the finger of God in Jesus name.
  • O sickness and disease, disappointment at the edge of my breakthrough, I must see your end by fire; expire now in Jesus name.
  • Psalm 102:27; Lord, YOU HAVE NO END, but there is an end to all things; THIS CASE shall not be an exception in Jesus name.
  • Stubborn battles, stubborn enemies and stubborn yokes, I decree your eminent end now in Jesus name.
  • JEHOVAH THE NO END GOD, swallow any situation in my life that wants to take your place this year in Jesus name. Powerful ODM Prayer Points to end the Month 28 February 2022
  •  Lord, do not share YOUR GLORY with the works of darkness operating around me in Jesus name.
  • Father, invade my being and let whatever wants to share your glory dry up and die in Jesus name.
  •  you powers Working hard to make me a perpetual slave, I decree your end now in Jesus name.
  • any person that has vowed over his/her dead body that I will die with THIS BATTLE, you must die your death this year in Jesus name.
    Powerful ODM Prayer Points to end the Month 28 February 2022
  • No battle shall kill me, I shall prevail and conquer. Divine Surprise is my name.
  • I shall see the expiry date of THIS BATTLE; Lord, turn every disappointment to my divine appointment in Jesus name
  • Lord, those that thought I am finished, shall see my glorious beginning,

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