Powerful Prayers and Daily Declaration DAILY MANNA ODM 15 April 2022

Powerful Prayers and Daily Declaration DAILY MANNA ODM 15 April 2022


Prayer for mistry growth
Powerful Prayers and Daily Declaration DAILY MANNA


  1. Father, I thank you for the experience of a new life in Christ Jesus.
  2. 2 Peter 3:18; Satan you are a liar; I shall not be spiritually stunted this
    quarter/ this year in Jesus name.

  3. Isaiah 6:7; Lord, touch me one more time with Your fire of growth; I
    cannot be stagnated again this year.

  4. Matthew 5:6; Oh Lord, as I thirst after Your righteousness, turn me into
    a spiritual giant in Jesus name.
  5. Psalm 42:1; You powers striving to distance me from Jehovah God, meet
    with disappointment now in Jesus name.
  6. Nehemiah 8:10; Any power mandated to dry up my spiritual strength, in
    the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, dry up by fire.
  7. I arrest the spirit of spiritual laziness; loose me and go by fire in Jesus

  1. Jude 20; I receive grace for unlimited spiritual growth and explosion
    by the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
  2. Acts 2:3; Holy Ghost, set my soul on fire for You; let the love of God
    consume me by fire.
  3. Vs. 4; Anointing of the Holy Ghost, invade my spirit and make me a
    terror to the kingdom of darkness; use me to populate Your kingdom
    daily in Jesus name.
  4. Father, I thank you for what You will do in my spiritual life this season
    in Jesus name. DAILY MANNA ODM 15 April 2022


  1. Hebrews 5:4; Lord, I return all glory and honour to You alone for counting
    me worthy to be Your servant.
  2. 1 Timothy 1:12; I thank you Jesus that through Your Blood I have an
    extension of Your ministry.
  3. 2 Corinthians 5:20; I shall not be a castaway. O Lord, let my life be a true
    picture of You and the ministry You’ve given me.
  4. Joel 2:28; O Lord, set me on fire to fulfil Your vision for my life.
  5. Romans 1:16; Lord, by the power of the gospel of Christ, open for us
    divine surprise doors of salvation for the unsaved this year.
  6. 1 Corinthians 16:9; By the grace of God, divine surprise doors of miracles,
    signs, wonders, breakthroughs, testimonies and expansion are open in
    my ministry this year in Jesus name.
  7. Acts 2:1-4; O God, baptize me with Your FRESH FIRE; I curse the root
    of dryness in my walk with God this year in Jesus name. DAILY MANNA ODM 15 April 2022


PSALM 121:5-8)
87. Psalm 100:1; Thank you Lord for Your faithfulness in keeping and
protecting me all the way to this year.
88. Joshua 1:5; Any plot by any satanic human agent to stand in my way
this quarter, scatter, scatter and scatter by fire now.
89. O Lord my God, I beseech You to preserve and protect my life, family,
ministry, business, marriage and job this first quarter in Jesus name.
90. Psalm 121:7; My Father, by Your power, protect and preserve me from
the evil arrows of the wicked against me; break them by fire.
91. Isaiah 54:17; Father, preserve the going out and coming in of me and my
household daily THIS QUARTER/YEAR in Jesus name.
92. Psalm 91:10; O God, arise and protect and preserve me and my household
from arrows of sickness and diseases this year in Jesus name.
93. Vs. 11; O God, protect and preserve me DAILY through the ministry of
angels. I am untouchable in 2022.

DAILY MANNA ODM 15 April 2022
94. Exodus 19:4; Abba Father, I take refuge under Your wings of protection
for me and my family, for we are safe in Your arms in Jesus name.
95. THIS QUARTER and indeed this year, the hedge of my life, family and
ministry shall not be broken; our safety is of the Lord in Jesus name.


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