Read Here Daily Devotional Today 10 March 2024

DAILY MANNA ODM 10 March 2024

daily bible study
daily bible study

DAILY MANNA ODM 10 March 2024


Obstacles! That’s the name that Henry Ford gave to things that a man sees when he takes his eyes off his goal. Hear his exact words: “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” People can serve as distractions! Activities can serve as distractions! Memories of the past can serve as distractions! Above all, worries and fears can serve as distractions! If you want to fulfil your destiny in God, you must be prepared to IDENTIFY AND DEAL WITH THIS NUMBER ONE ENEMY IN 2024: DISTRACTION. If you want to enjoy the best of 2024, you must learn how to avoid distractions. When Jairus met Jesus, his intention was clear: He knew what he wanted. He told Jesus, “Come and lay your hands on my daughter, and she will be healed and she will live.” However, along the line, the devil threw a mighty, frightful obstacle on his path. Jesus was delayed, and Jairus’ daughter died. Carriers of bad news travelled SPEEDILY to break the news to Jairus; they wanted to save Jairus and Jesus from embarrassment. But NO!!! THE GOD YOU ARE SERVING CANNOT BE EMBARRASSED!!! HE CAN NEVER BE LATE. When Jesus heard their words, He told Jairus, “Do not be afraid, ONLY BELIEVE.” In other words, “DON’T SWITCH OFF YOUR FAITH. DON’T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF YOUR ANSWER.” I can hear the Spirit of God saying the same thing to you right now: “Don’t Take Your Eyes Off Your Answer. There Shall Be Performance! Don’t Be Distracted. Don’t Be Discouraged. Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence. Your God Cannot Fail. He Cannot Be Embarrassed! It’s Not Over Until You See The Fulfilment Of His Word To You. Yes! There Shall Be Performance!” Hold on and hold out! DAILY MANNA ODM 10 March 2024

JOIN ME TONIGHT 8PM-9PM LAGOS TIME ONLINE – PROPHETICMIRACLES, FIRE PRAYERS TO BEGIN YOUR WEEK, Via Facebook Live: ourdailymannaworldwide; Instagram Live; ourdailymanna_bishopchris & Youtube: Manna TV International. Be ready to pray! Sometimes I am led to call NAMES and release a Prophetic WORD /direction/ Warning for those who log in.

This is your day! (Also, expect a crucial health TIP every Sunday Night) DAILY MANNA ODM 10 March 2024

PRAYER POINTS: Take a song of worship as you are led.

  1. Pray on today’s word as led now.
  2. Every plot of the enemy to turn my miracle into a stillbirth,
  3. My God cannot be embarrassed, therefore I SHALL NOT
  4. Testimony THIEVES of 2024, from the pit of hell; be paralysed
    now, in Jesus name.
  5. I reject bad news in Jesus name this year concerning the
    following areas of my life and family (mention them)!
  6. Pray about today as led now.

DAILY MANNA ODM 10 March 2024

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