TONIGHT from 7pm will be unforgettable!
The Yoke of TURN-BY TURN is SUDDENLY breaking forever! MY NEW NAME SHALL BE “ELEVATION,” Tonight and today, as I pray with my IDENTITY CARD/PICTURE which I will bring to TBS, Lagos the INSULT of “WHO ARE YOU?” MUST END! “HOW ARE YOU?” MUST BEGIN because It is my ELEVATION season. To the shame of the devil, I shall be at the WORLD ANOINTING ELEVATION NIGHT AGAIN! Thank you, LORD because this is year! ODM 31 January 2020 – WORLD ANOINTING NIGHT: DELIVERANCE FROM VISA
Tonight, as I carry out the PROPHETIC ACTION of praying with my Identity card and your servant, anointing my hands/feet, JEHOVAH THE DAND-WRITER shall rewrite my LODEBAR to JERUSALEM script! I believe and strongly declare now that by the end of this year men and women all describe me with the words:- ‘SUDDENLY ELEVATED!”MOVED FROM LODEBAR TO JERUSALEM!’ ‘ADDRESS CHANGED; “MOVED FROM TURN BY TURN “HENI ARGED LIKE JABEZ.” MOVED FROM THE TENT, “VICTORY OVER SATANIC CAGES AND DEMONIC TOLL GATES” OVERTAKING OVERTAKERS” “MOVED FROM SHAME TO FAME.” “HEALED” “MARITALLY CONNECTED.” MARITALLY SETTLED” “SUDDEN FAVOUR,” TAKEN FROM THE QUEUE” Amen and amen and amen!”
Tonight the insult of who are you must end. How are u must begin in Jesus name