TAKE NOTE: God Is Not Angry With You
A lot of people have written themselves off while others are writing themselves off. They are quick to figure out a million reasons why God will not bless them! They think God is mad at them and He is just waiting for a good chance to hit them on their heads and kick them into hell fire.

TAKE NOTE: God Is Not Angry With You
If you are like that, I have good news for you today and I am led to repeat this: God is not mad at you; rather, HE IS MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! The Bible makes it clear that He is a God full of grace and mercy. God is not looking out for you to do one ugly thing and then strike you with His big hard hammer.
Rather, He is looking out for opportunities to bless you and increase you UNTILL YOU MAKE HEAVEN AT LAST, You need to begin to believe and expect the best for yourself. You need to spend more time studying His WORD so you can learn more about His love for you.
Today’s scripture Vs. 5 says: For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy unto all them that meditate on His Word, the more call upon Thee…. TAKE NOTE: God Is Not Angry With You
1. Pray for a confident heart; a heart that is assured of the eternal and unchanging love of God for you.
- You cannot continue in sin and hope that you will escape God’s discipline as a LOVING FATHER! Repent from any SECRET SIN NOW! 4. Cancel every satanic agenda as 2021 ends. Cancel every Bad NEWS and frustration now!
- Pray about today now!