(EXODUS 7:15, PSALM 42:1-2)
(PSALM 118:24; 63:1)
“The golden privilege to step into the DAWNING OF A NEW DAY (glory season), is about the greatest proof of God’s benevolence, faithfulness, love and mercy towards us, and we ought to thankfully accept receive and make the most of this priceless gift prayerfully every morning in order to overcome the wicked attacks of anti-glory forces targeted at us and lay hold on God’s daily loads of blessing for us.

Remember: Your 2020 ELEVATION EXPERIENCE in this QUARTER is baked in the oven of daily, fervent communication and prayers to your God” – Bishop Dr. Chris. ODM Daily Today – CLICK HERE
- Psalm 136:1:0 give thanks unto the LORD for this third quarter Of 2020.
- Vs 1: Thank the LORD, for His unfailing mercy and love toward you and your household this year.
- Psalm 9f: 1: Lord, in this third quarter. I shall dwell daily in Your secret place through my unbroken devotion to You.
- Ys 1: As I dwell in Your presence daily, reveal Your glory in my life, family and ministry etc in Jesus name.
- LORD, let my love for You and Your kingdom not grow cold, but increase daily in this quarter in Jesus name.
- Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your eyes today O Lord (worship God in songs now).
- Psalm 103:5:Lord.renewmystrengthagainthismominganddaily in this quarter in Jesus name.
- Job 22:28: I decree and declare that I shall not fall into errors, mistakes or regrets of any kind today in Jesus name.
- Vs 28:1 decree: This new and blessed day shall not usher sorrow and worries into my life, family and ministry in Jesus name.
- You spirit and arrow of weakness and spiritual slumber, reverse by fire now in Jesus name
- Arrows of failure, fear and death, enough is enough: perish now in Jesus name.
- Matthew 7:7; Lord, crown my efforts today with favour. I shall not labour or struggle in vain in Jesus name.
- Luke 10:19:1 subdue and destroy by fire every weapon targeted at the success of my day now in Jesus name.
- O GOD, let my life, family, ministry, business, career etc. produce results with educe to shame the deli in this quarter in Jesus name.
- Abba Father! Let me experience true glory in my spiritual life. health, career, job and academics this season in Jesus name.
- Psalm 68:1; Arise. O Lord and let every enemy of my glory be dumbfounded and confounded today in Jesus name.
- Vs: 1; Jehovah, arise and scatter the enemies of my open doors and breakthroughs today in Jesus name.
- I command every evil poisonous tongue positioned to curse my day and turn it into a ridicule to be cut off now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
- 2 Samuel 5:12: Every strong conspiracy after the order of Absalom targeted to waste my day and indeed this quarter, scatter in Jesus name.
- Lord, in Your mares; open me up to new connections today in Jesus name.
- Numbers 14:28; Abba Father! As I step out this day. let Your garment of glory envelop me in Jesus name.
- Vs 28; Lord, as I step out this day. I step into an uncommon j business boom and opportunity in Jesus name.
- Vs 28: Lord, make me to be highly success in m entire endeavour today in Jesus name.
- John 14:13: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I receive profitable appointments today and reject disappointments now.
- O LORD. I shall not be stranded wherever I shall go today, and my destiny shall not be stranded in this quarter in Jesus name.
- I Tim. 2:1-2: Pray for HIP- Bishop Dr. Chris and! for our helper?
- Job 22:28: Pray now and nullify any plan to derail this ODM vision through marine witchcraft agents and court cases or evil bloggers.
- Jude Vs 20. Pray in tongues about today tear as led now.
29 Vs 28: O God, as i step out this day. let Your favour manifest in every step I take in Jesus name. - Psalm 34:1-5: Take a song of worship and give God thanks for prayers answered and for the glory that lies ahead of you today! (NOW SAY THE DAILY PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS ON PAGE 135 OF THIS BOOKLET. “SATAN MY MOUTH ISI YOUR GROANING THIS YEAR” to know about how to enforce your glory and what to declare in all battles).
- Now turn to today’s date and go through today’s devotional scripture and write-up and prayers seriously including any other instruction. Pray the afternoon and evening prayers later.
- MONDAY: READ Job 5:12: and ask the LORD to UPTURN I scatter the evil AGENDA of your HATERS today.
- TUESDAY: READ Haggai 2:6; And beseech the LORD to Sr. the SHAKABLE out of your wav this quarter today.
- WEDNESDAY: READ Proverbs 23:18: And declare that you EXPECTATIONS this quarter shall MANIFEST by fire.
- THURSDAY. READ James 1:5: And ask the LORD for DIV1 WISDOM to approach people and carve out any task today.
- FRIDAY: READ Psalm 46:1: And decree that the REFUGE STRENGTH and HELP of God shall be your lot this weekend. ODM Daily Today – CLICK HERE
- SATURDAY: READ Psalm 125: And pray as you are led and directed by the Holy Ghost today.
- SUNDAY: READ Psalm 111:1 and be in your local church ; pray your ODM evening prayers below.
- Psalm 92:1: Thank the LORD for such a rewarding day that He ha granted you.
- Vs 1; Sing some songs of praise to Jehovah God now. HE DESERV YOUR PRAISE!
- 1 John 1:8-9: Repent from any evil use of your tongue today. Lori purge my lips as I pray this evening in Jesus name,
- Psalm 24:1: 0 Lord, turn any mistake I have made today into I divine miracle in Jesus name.
- Isaiah 54:15; LORD, turn their gathering to nothingness and scatter them abroad now by fire and under.
- Vs 17:1 command every evil tongue assigned to curse me and my household to catch fire and dry up now in Jesus name.
- Psalm97:3: LORD, let Your fire destroy and consume every alliance of household enemies with external enemies meant to bring me down.
- Job 5:12: Abba Father, let the devices of the wicked against me backfire by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
- Vs. 12: Lord, let every evil appointment of affliction meant for me and my household be disappointed now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
- John 14:14: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. my household and I are delivered from every snare and spell of death tonight by the Blood of Jesus.
- I command every arrow of sickness targeted at me and my family to return back to sender tonight in Jesus name.
- 1 command even arrow of darkness fired against me and my household to miss their target now m Jesus name.
- I release the divine arrow s” of God now to scatter and demolish every satanic installation mounted against me.
- In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I decree and declare that our sleep shall be sweet and peaceful tonight.
- As the stars and the moon shine tonight it shines my life’s pathway into a new dawn of blessings, glory and honour in Jesus name.
- Psalm 34:3: LORD. 1 magnify and praise Your name for Your name’s sake and for answered prayers. Pray in Tongues now as led.
Worship the Lord and boldly go to bed.
- Psalm 100:4: Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise tonight.
- Psalm 63:3: LORD, for Your loving kindness and tender mercies. I sing these songs of praise to honour You tonight (sing them now).
- Holy Ghost take over the atmosphere where I am tonight: condition it for Your visitation in Jesus name.
- Every territorial demon opposing my prayers tonight, dry up now by fife and thunder in Jesus name.
- Matthew 11:12: You forces of the night programmed to fight my destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ wither and perish violently by thunder and fire.
- Vs. 12: You demon of nightmares positioned to attack us through dreams tonight be violently paralyzed now by thunder in Jesus name.
- Vs 12:1 violently scatter every satanic network built around this vicinity, my life and destiny now in Jesus name.
- Psalm 44:4′: LORD, command deliverance tonight: paralyze every negative spirit operating in this environment in Jesus name.
- Job 22:29: Lord, in Your name. 1 decree and declare a lifting up for me and my household on every side by fire in Jesus name.
- Job 20:15: O Lord my God. my peace, joy. happiness, health, job. marriage, wealth and riches etc which the enemy has swallowed: cast them out of his belly tonight by fire.
- John 11:40; My Father, my Father, manifest Your glory tonight break the teeth of glory eaters and secure my destiny with the Blood of Jesus. ODM Daily Today – CLICK HERE
- 1 invoke the ministry and intervention of angels on our behalf tonight and throughout this quarter in Jesus name.