And David inquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.
Today on NSPPD Fire Altar at 7am Nigerian time, recall that King David only asked two questions, but God, our EL-ROI gave him three answers. More is coming. More than you prayed for. More than you asked. The Lord said YES!
》Operation Stop the Stoppers
》Operation Let The God of Vengeance 》Arise
》Operation Back to Sender
》Operation Fullness of Joy Burst Out
》Gender Prayers
》Prayers for Marital Settlement
》Impartation Service

“The Fire-Altar Keeps Getting Hotter and Hotter”:
- Heavenly Father, we come before your throne of grace, acknowledging your sovereign presence in our midst.
- Lord, ignite the fire of your Holy Spirit within our hearts and upon the altar of our lives, that we may burn brightly for you.
- Holy Spirit, fan the flames of revival within the church, stirring hearts to passion and zeal for your kingdom.
- Lord Jesus, purify our hearts like refined gold in the fire, that we may be vessels fit for your service.
- Father, let your refining fire burn away every impurity and sin in our lives, that we may be holy and blameless before you.
- Holy Spirit, empower us to embrace the fiery trials and tribulations that come our way, knowing that they produce perseverance and faith.
- Lord, let your fire fall upon the altars of our homes, workplaces, and communities, transforming lives and bringing revival.
- Father, we surrender ourselves completely to the fire of your love, trusting that you will mold us into vessels of honor for your glory.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for prayer and intercession within the hearts of your people, that we may seek your face fervently.
- Lord Jesus, release a fresh anointing of your presence upon your church, filling us with power and authority to proclaim your gospel.
- Father, let the fire of your Word burn brightly within us, illuminating our minds and guiding our steps in righteousness.
- Holy Spirit, set ablaze the hearts of the lukewarm and complacent, that they may be awakened to the urgency of the times.
- Lord, let your fire consume every hindrance and obstacle standing in the way of your purposes and plans for our lives.
- Father, make us bold and fearless in our witness for you, unafraid to stand up for truth in the midst of opposition.
- Holy Spirit, kindle a holy passion for worship and adoration within your church, that we may glorify you with all our hearts.
- Lord Jesus, pour out your fire upon the altars of our cities and nations, bringing repentance and revival to the lost and broken.
- Father, let the fire of your love burn away every spirit of division and discord within the body of Christ, that we may be united in purpose and mission.
- Holy Spirit, raise up bold and uncompromising leaders who will lead your church with wisdom and courage in these perilous times.
- Lord, ignite a hunger and thirst for righteousness within your people, that we may long to see your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
- Father, let the fire of your presence consume us completely, that we may be wholly surrendered to your will and your ways.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for revival and awakening within the hearts of believers around the world, that your glory may be revealed to all mankind.
- Lord Jesus, send your fire to purify the motives and intentions of our hearts, that we may serve you with sincerity and devotion.
- Father, let your fire burn away every form of spiritual apathy and complacency within your church, that we may be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a holy fire of righteousness and justice within your church, that we may be a light to the nations and a beacon of hope in a dark world.
- Lord, let the fire of your love consume us completely, that we may be filled to overflowing with your presence and power.
- Father, let the fire of revival sweep across our land, bringing repentance and transformation to individuals, communities, and nations.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for holiness and purity within your church, that we may shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.
- Lord Jesus, set our hearts ablaze with love for you and for one another, that we may fulfill the greatest commandment to love you with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
- Father, let the fire of your Spirit burn away every form of bondage and oppression within your church, that we may walk in freedom and victory.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a hunger and thirst for your presence within your people, that we may seek after you with all our hearts and be filled with your joy and peace.
- Lord Jesus, let your fire fall upon the altars of our churches, igniting a revival that will spread like wildfire across our land.
- Father, let the fire of your love melt our hearts of stone and transform them into hearts of flesh, tender and responsive to your voice.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for evangelism and missions within your church, that we may boldly proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth.
- Lord, let the fire of your Spirit burn away every form of fear and timidity within your people, that we may be bold and courageous in our witness for you.
- Father, let the fire of your Word illuminate our minds and guide our steps, that we may walk in the light of your truth and wisdom.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for prayer and fasting within your church, that we may seek your face and cry out to you day and night for revival.
- Lord Jesus, let your fire consume every stronghold of the enemy within our lives and our communities, that we may walk in freedom and victory.
- Father, let the fire of your Spirit burn away every form of complacency and lukewarmness within your church, that we may be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for worship and adoration within your people, that we may glorify you with all our hearts and all our lives.
- Lord, let the fire of your presence fall upon our churches, filling us afresh with your power and anointing for ministry.
- Father, let the fire of your love melt away every barrier and division within your church, that we may be one body, united in love and purpose.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a holy passion for holiness and righteousness within your church, that we may walk in purity and integrity before you and the world.
- Lord Jesus, let your fire burn away every form of spiritual dryness and apathy within your people, that we may be revived and refreshed by your presence.
- Father, let the fire of your Spirit burn away every form of sin and rebellion within your church, that we may be a holy and blameless bride, prepared for your return.
- Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for revival and awakening within the hearts of believers around the world, that your glory may be revealed to all mankind.
May these prayers ignite a holy fire within your heart and within the hearts of believers everywhere, that together we may see the fire-altar of revival burning hotter and hotter until the glory of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea. Amen.
“And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda.” (Acts 12: 13)
That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.
Our Focal Scripture speaks of how Peter got to the location where prayers were being offered unto God for him. Peter knocked at the gate, and there was need for a damsel named Rhoda to show up before his presence could even be announced and the gate opened for him. Peter had found his way to where he needed to be in, but could not enter without the help of the person who would unlock the gate. Peter’s access was stalled because he could not unlock the gate by himself.
Friend, your movement and advancement in life may be stalled if you are not a gatekeeper. You may indeed arrive at the important places you need to be in, but if you are not a gatekeeper, you may end up not entering because of gatekeepers who do not want to grant you access. If you are not a gatekeeper, you may not attain certain milestones you desire to attain. If you have not learnt to control gates, those who control gates may keep you from accessing places you need.
Peter was ordinarily a mighty man, and was highly revered in the early church, but it was a mere damsel that made it possible for the gate to be opened for him. His might bowed to a damsel who could open gates. You may indeed be mighty, but you also need to learn to lock and unlock gates, otherwise you will need to bow to those who can lock and unlock gates. Your might will be limited if you are unable to unlock the gates locked around you.
Arise as a gate keeper. Take charge of gates through your prayers and prophetic proclamations. Tear down the satanic elements who currently hold sway at the gates you need to pass through. Take charge of the gates of your career, business, city, nation, ministry, etc. through prophetic prayers and proclamations. Let your voice so resonate in the spirit realm that gates will open when they hear you. Prophetically lock the gates that need to be locked, and open the gates that need to open.
In all you are, be a gatekeeper. Be that man who will open gates for your generation. Be that one who will lock the gates against negativity. Be that one who will be in control of the gates.
Isaiah 62: 6 (MSG) says: “I’ve posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem. Day and night they keep at it, praying, calling out, reminding God to remember.”
Declare With Me: I arise as a gatekeeper; I tear down every satanic system at the gates, in Jesus’ name!