Today’s Daily Manna 11 April 2024

God has a way of securing His people. When you are confident of God’s love for you and His ability to protect you, you will never be bothered by the size and antecedents of those who are threatening you. Jacob served Laban for more than fourteen years and during that time, he endured all kinds of unfair treatment. However, God was watching over Jacob. There were many times Laban would plan to hurt Jacob, but God would not allow him. He told Jacob, “the God of your father spoke to me last night and warned me to be careful about how I speak unto you…” That same God spoke on behalf of Abram, Jacob’s grandfather many years earlier. Abram entered Egypt to sojourn there for some time. The princes of Pharaoh saw Abram’s wife, Sarai, and they recommended her for Pharaoh. As far as they were concerned, she was the most beautiful woman in the land (about 65 years), more beautiful than all their Egyptian women. But the Bible says that ‘THE LORD PLAGUED PHARAOH AND HIS HOUSE WITH GREAT PLAGUES BECAUSE OF SARAI, ABRAM’S WIFE.’God was fighting for His covenant man, Abram. I have good news for you today: it time for the Lord to plague your enemies and their entire household with great plagues BECAUSE OF YOU. When the Lord fights for you, no man can cheat you. When the Lord speaks for you, no man can speak against you. You need not fear any foe. If the God of Abraham is still alive, He will fight for you the way He fought for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He will rebuke kings and princes on your behalf; He will tell them, “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophet no harm…” I decree today, that every evil hand stretched forth in your direction, will wither and die today in the name of Jesus. NOTE: JULY 2024 WORLD ANOINTING SERVICE IS NO MORE A NIGHT SERVICE! IT IS STRICTLY AN ONLINE SERVICE! SATURDAY 20TH JULY, 2024. Connect via FACEBOOK: ourdailymannaworldwide; YOUTUBE: Manna TV International. Time: 12 NOON Nigeria Time. APOLOGIES FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE!
PRAYER POINTS:Take Song 1: Stand up for Jesus…
- Pray for yourself as you have been touched by today’s WORD.
- Father, PLAGUE MY HATERS THIS YEAR! Let every evil hand
stretched forth in my direction wither and die RIGHT NOW(Pray
this seriously). - I want you to meditate on the promise of God in Deuteronomy 28:9 – “The Lord Will Establish You An Holy People Unto Himself…and
All The People Of The Earth Shall See That You Are Called By The
Name Of The Lord, And They Shall Be Afraid Of You.” That promise
is your guaranteed security from every evil and corruption that the
enemy may want to use against you. - Pray about today!