Listen to me, please listen to me, life 24hours already has by default programmed in it too many things to annoy you. You will age yourself to death if you hand your life over to life to treat you, you must define your possibilities. The days that we live in now, are days that Joy must be a choice. Switch on your television, and in 5minutes you’ve heard something that annoyed you, you must choose to maintain your joy. Go to visit your child in school, and you will see a teacher treating your child in a way…, you are waiting for your child to return with a WAEC result, and you will see something that does not bring you encouragement.



Hear me, any other thing you base for your joy, will disappoint you. It must be the joy of the Lord, as your strength. Has God comforted someone tonight? TOPIC: STRENGTHENED (SYNERGY OF ENCOURAGEMENT) – BEST MEDITATIONS OF HOPE

The joy of the Lord, choose to be happy. You receive a call from home, “are you aware of the kind of, I mean there’s no money anywhere, we are going to die,” and you say mommy calm down, “why should I calm down?” Because God is still the Monarch of the universe, there is always a way out. Two of you cannot be under pressure, you choose to be under pressure, or God under pressure. He says, “the Keeper of Israel, the Keeper of the covenant” not a person. That means, listen, when CGC is locked, the key is with someone, if that person does not come, we are in trouble. So when we want to access a place, the keeper of the key is important. So when the Bible says, the keeper of Israel, you thinkit’s talking about a nation, no Israel means covenant.

There is the Keeper of the covenant of my destiny, there is the Keeper of the covenant of your destiny, there is the Keeper of the covenant of Koinonia, there is the Keeper of the covenant of the prophesy upon your life. TOPIC: STRENGTHENED (SYNERGY OF ENCOURAGEMENT) – BEST MEDITATIONS OF HOPE

See let me tell you this, look at me, Satan is a roaring lion, if you allow his roar scare you, you will never be able to defeat the lion, and cut the head, and move, no, no, no, no. Life would stand amd claim bold face for you, you must sustain the intelligence in the Spirit, to say with joy will I draw.

They see you bending for a long time, and wonder what you are doing, and all of a sudden, you draw out, prosperity, speed, increase, lifting, and while you draw it out, people would just stand and say, what is this, the joy of the Lord.

Listen to me, it is in your lifetime you would build that house, it is in your lifetime a day would come you will not think about money again, it is in your lifetime the anointing you seek, one day you will no longer seek it because it is now with you, listen to me, my brothers and my sisters, it is in your lifetime that you would smile again. War Against Haman 15/2020

There is a name God is called, the God of Jeshurun, He is called the One that rides upon the wings of the wind. Let God be true, and let every man, let every report, medical report, let every system be a liar, let God be true, and let every ministry report be a liar, let God be true and let every academic report be a liar, let God be true and let every financial report be a liar, let God be true and every career report be a liar.

Listen to me, please hear me, many years ago, I remember one day I was sitting down somewhere in the campus, and I saw a plane passed, and I was looking at it, amd the Lord told me, that the word would take you into that plane many times. I believed Him. The Lord spoke to me that a time would come, nations would come, and would drink from that which He has put upon our lives, I believed Him. TOPIC: STRENGTHENED (SYNERGY OF ENCOURAGEMENT) – BEST MEDITATIONS OF HOPE

Listen, you have gone too far with God to turn back, remember Lots’ wife, remember Lots’ wife, husband and wife, remember Lots’ wife, CEOs, business men, remember Lots’ wife, men and women of God, remember Lots’ wife. That if you turn aside in the day of battle your strength is small. You must obtain Grace to fight till you win. You must obtain Grace, listen! Obtain Grace to stand and face your fears. Fight and win. TOPIC: STRENGTHENED (SYNERGY OF ENCOURAGEMENT) – BEST MEDITATIONS FOR A LIVING

Oh, they say you have cancer, oh, they say your genotype would never change, that’s nonsense, obtain Grace from God. Oh they say your children would never be responsible, oh they say your life is finished. See, let God be true, I’m teaching you how to win in life. OUR DAILY MANNA DEVOTIONAL 2020

You must immerse yourself, because the kinds of environment that Africa is brooding, the kinds of environment that Nigeria is brooding, is pungent, I say that respectfully, is pungent for greatness. From television, to internet, to everywhere, there’s all kinds of nonsense that jam-packs your ear, sometimes you need to say,…. TOPIC: STRENGTHENED (SYNERGY OF ENCOURAGEMENT) – BEST MEDITATIONS OF HOPE
We believe this really blessed you, please share, someone needs to see and read this, and get blessed too. GOD BLESS YOU GREATLY


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4 years ago

First time here and am motivated spiritially, God bless you

4 years ago

I bless the name of God for & the wonders you doing to bless life

Dorcas Akinleyimu
Dorcas Akinleyimu
4 years ago

Your life and testimonies are wonderful work of God. Blessing God for your life and ministry. Thanks for sharing these things. The WORLD need the WORD.
More grace Man of God.

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