Body were brought unto the sick, handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them and the evil spirits went out of them”. Therefore, in line with Isaiah 44:26 and 2 Chronicles 20:20 that says; “Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper”, I hereby believe in divine prophetic instructions and agree with Your servant, Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe concerning my STORY TO GLORY manifestation Lord change my STORY TO GLORY now! Give me RESULTS that cancel INSULTS! THE TESTIMONY OF “HOW DID IT HAPPEN?” shall be my GLORY badge this year! Overturn the following needs of my life by the anointing of the Holy Ghost now (mention them and pray seriously now). (Go ahead and pray as led, and then give God thanks)! Send the testimony to: +234-903-264-8292 or email: orderodm@gmail.com
Thank you! !thank you!! All glory and honor belong to YOU ELOHIM! ! Thank you for your guidance odm! !
Amen…my glory is coming!
Hallelujah Glory be to God. It is done in Jesus name. Praise God