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War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 15 And Day 16

War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 15 And Day 16



Scripture Bullet: 1 Kings 13: 1-4

1 Kings 13: 1-4; “And it came to pass, when king Jeroboam heard the saying of the man of God, which had cried against the altar in Bethel, that the put forth his hand from the altar , saying, ‘Lay hold on him.’ And his hand, which he put forth against him, dried up, so that he could not pull it in again to him.” See Our Daily Manna 20th January 2018

War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 15 And Day 16


War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 15 And Day 16

Oftentimes, there are evil hands stretched at you NOT TO BLESS but to steal, kill and to destroy you, your family, job, career, joy, peace, marriage, business, ministry, calling, e.t.c. (John 10:10). In other words, these evil hands are stretched to terminate you prematurely so as to hinder you and out rightly stop you from experiencing and enjoying your day of decoration. But I decree and declare that every hand stretched at you in the morning, at noon, in the evening or at night, shall whither by fire. I decree and declare that every hand stretched at where you are living, working, schooling, doing business or serving your God, shall whither this year in Jesus name. Pray now!

1. Psalm 103: 1; Father, I bless Your name for giving me another privilege to stand in your presence again to pray this day.
2. Blessed be your name Lord for showing me Your mercy all through last year.
3. Psalm 116: 5; O merciful God, show me mercy again this year in Jesus name.
4. 1 Kings 13:4; Father, just as king Jeroboam’s hand up, let every evil hand stretched to destroy my life dry up now by fire in Jesus name.
5. LORD; let every evil hand stretched to steal my career, whither and dry up by fire in Jesus name.

War Against Haman -13 2018 Day 15 And Day 16

6. LORD; let every evil hand targeted at my marriage ,
7. LORD; let every evil hand targeted against my peace, whither now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
8. LORD; let every evil hand targeted against my family, dry up and scatter now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
9. Psalm 11: 2; LORD, let that evil hand releasing evil arrows at my heart, whither scatter now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
10. My Father, let that evil hand programming evil arrows against my business, dry up and scatter now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.

11. LORD, let that evil hand targeted at my downfall, dry up and scatter now by fire in Jesus name.
12. Father, let that evil hand that is trying to rewrite the story of my life negatively, whither now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
13. Job 6:9; LORD, loose Your hand and cut my enemies hands stretched forth to hinder my progress this year in Jesus name.
14. Psalm 31:15; Father, because my time are in Your hands, no evil hand stretched to kill me shall prosper; let it whither now by fire.
15. Psalm 32:4; LORD, let your hands be heavy upon my enemies’ evil hands; let them whither now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.

16. 1 Peter 5:6; LORD, let that evil hand targeted at my health be crushed by Your Mighty Hand this day in Jesus name.
17. Job 19:21; With Your Hand LORD, strike every evil hand targeted at my destiny in Jesus name.
18. Proverb 21:2; Father, squeeze the heart of that man or woman that is stretching that evil hand to destroy me and my household in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna basic Scripture Bullets
19. LORD; let that evil hand assigned to shatter my rest whither, dry up and scatter now by fire in Jesus name.
20. LORD, let that evil hand mandated to demote me, whither and destroy now by fire in Jesus name.

21. 1 Samuel 23:16; LORD, raise helpers to strengthen my hand against every evil hand this year.
22. Psalm 18: 35; O LORD, by Your Mighty Hand, lift me above every targeted at my promotion this year in Jesus name.
23. Psalm 48:10; LORD, let You righteous right hand do me good.
24. With Your righteous right hand Lord, establish me financially in my business.
25. With Your righteous right hand Lord, strengthen my marital life with testimonies this year in Jesus name.
26. O Hand of God, paralyze and destroy every evil hand stretched against my partners and helper now in Jesus name.

Our Daily Manna 2018

27. Psalm 68:30; Holy Ghost, scatter by fire, those who delight in stretching evil hands of war to create crisis in my life.
28. LORD, let every evil hand stretched at my ministry catch fire and whither now in Jesus name.
29. Ezekiel 21:14; as I strike hands together, let every invisible and visible hand stagnating and reducing my life and destiny, whither, dry up and scatter by fire in Jesus name.
30. Palm 118:15; LORD, let Your right hand grant me victory in all my battles this year in Jesus name.
31. Psalm 144:1; O LORD, train my hands to overcome every evil hand in battle this year on every side in Jesus name.

32. Daniel 5:5; Father, let Your valiant hand write me as prosperous this year in Jesus name.
33. Daniel 10:10; LORD, touch me with Your Hand of favour and change my life for good this year.
34. Luke 1: 74; Father, deliver me and my household from the evil hands of our enemies that we may serve you till the rest of our lives according to your grace in Jesus name.
35. LORD; this is my year of decoration and is nothing the devil of anybody can do about it. I am a candidate for uncommon decoration this year in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
36. Pray about the 12 months of this year now! This God of suddenly will show up for me and I shall be decorated in January, February, March…(Mention all the remaining months of 2018). In this 12 months, the MIRACLE OF “CAN THIS BE TRUE” “CAN ANYTHING GOOD COME OUT OF NAZARETH?” shall locate my address this year in Jesus name.

37. “2018” was created by my God, NOT BY THE DEVILS! So, I decree: This year shall favour me! It shall decorate me! It shall take away the OLD and bring the new! A new OIL! NEW MERCY! NEW LEVELS AS I TEAR AWAY OLD DRESS OF SHAME AT THE WORLD ANOINTING Night. Lord, put on me a new dress like Elisha!

Decorate me! For past shame, give me new fame! For past disgrace, Give me a new dress of Grace, double grace and triple grace! Clothe me with new honour in January-December! Elisha tore his cloth and Jordan parted and the crows saw his new glory! That shall be my story! I am not a quitter! I refuse to surrender! Every Jordan will part my ways! I shall pass through and break through! Closed doors are opening again! Delayed testimonies shall speed forth like hand’s feet! I shall be accelerated to my promise land! Thank you Lord for my decoration! Thank you lord because when the earth experience three hours of darkness! at calvary! You were busy decorating your son on that cross of shame! You took away shame and give him fame for my sake!

This is the hour for that manifestation! This is the year for that Calvary action to come into being! Amen and amen!
Pray about the 12 month f this year as led now! I shall possess my possessions and be decorated in January, February, March (mention all the remaining months of 2018). In these 12 months, the MIRACLE OF “HOW DID IT HAPPEN?” shall locate my address as my DECORATION BANNER in Jesus name.

I PULL OFF THE FOLLOWING SHOES OF SIN NOW……(MENTION THEM). They shall not HINDER ME IN THIS YEAR 2018! “2018” was created by my God, NOT BY THE DEVILS! So, I decree: This year shall favour me! It shall decorate me! It shall take away the OLD and bring the new! A new OIL! NEWN MERCY! NEW LEVELS AS I TEAR AWAY OLD DRESS OF SHAME AT THE WORLD ANOINTING Night. Job 22:28; I DECREE AND DECLARE NOW: The LORD my God shall fight for me and I shall hold my peace. All my enemies shall wax old, wither and perish. They shall all submit and bow out of my way and life this year. Every unrepentant and stubborn enemy shall be eaten up by moth.

Yes! WORMS SHALL EAT THEM UP LIKE HEROD! EVERY ENEMY working against my decoration, joy, gladness, happiness, fruitfulness, dancing, celebration and laughter, etc, shall be devoured by fire and thunder in this year 2018 now at THE WORLD ANOINTING DECORATION NIGHT of January 26th. Thank you Holy Ghost! I declare again: That my enemies have been paralyzed! Their evil hands, work, decrees and activities have withered! Their wicked and evil eyes are blindfolded and their evil works and devices are here by overruled, Nullified, and destroyed! I have been discharged and acquitted by heaven’s divine supreme court of justice!

Our Manna Prayer Points (War Against Haman-13) 2018

I therefore lay claim over all hat is due to me in this year 2018! Now I possess my possessions! I declare that my Losses are restored back to me! I take back my partners, my helpers, my wife, my husband, children, marriage, my career, my education, my job, my business, my project and finance in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! I PULL OFF THE FOLLOWING SHOES OF SIN NOW…(MENTION THEM). They shall not HINDER ME IN THIS YEAR 2018! “2018” was created by my God, NOT BY THE DEVILS! So, I decree: This year shall favour me! It shall decorate me! It shall take away the OLD and bring the new! A new OIL! NEW MERCY! NEW LEVELS AS I TEAR AWAY OLD DRESS OF SHAME AT THE WORLD ANOINTING CHANGE-OF-GARMENT Night.

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Priscilla Pankyee
Priscilla Pankyee
7 years ago

Thanks for putting the daily messages and fasting prayer points on this page it’s helpful to those of us who don’t have the means to get the ODM books.

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