War Against Haman-13 2018 Day 9-11

War Against Haman-13 2018 Day 9-11

War Against Haman-13 2018

Day 9-11

1. Psalm 146; 1-2; I give you praise, honor and worship LORD for your faithfulness in preserving me and my household from the evil shrines of emptiers and scatterers.
2. Vs 2; I sing this songs of praise and worship to Your hallow name LORD.
3. Psalm 57: 1; Father pour your mercy upon me again LORD.


War Against Hamman 13 Day 9-11 2018


War Against Haman-13 2018 Day 9-11

4. Emptiers and scatterers must not prevail; Lord, scatter them this day by fire and thunder. In Jesus name.
5. Psalm 97:3; LORD, let the fire that goes before You go against, dry up and scatter every emptier and scatterer this year in Jesus name.
6. Vs 3; emptiers and scatterers must scatter by Your fire; scatter those that are out to scatter finances this year in Jesus name.

7. Vs. 3; You emptiers and scatterers that vowed to empty and scatter my marriage, and marital life, in the name of Jesus, I command you to scatter in to pieces in Jesus name.
8. You emptiers and scatterers mandated to attack my business, you shall not succeed; now dry up and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
9. You emptiers and scatterers positioned to scatter the fruits of my job, career, dry up now and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
10. O enemies that want my destiny empties and scattered, dry up and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.

War Against Haman-13 2018 Day 9- Day 11

11. Psalm 68:1; O LORD, arise and let every emptier and scatterer sent after the live and destiny of my children scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
12. Vs 1; O LORD, arise and let the evil gatherings of emptiers and scatterers targeted at my ministry scatter, scatter and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
13. You anti-progress forces, called emptier and scatterers, programmed against me and the Labour of my hands, in the name of Jesus, I command you to scatter, scatter, and scatter by fire and thunder in Jesus name.

War Against Haman-13 2018 Day 9-11

14. O anti-decoration forces, called emptier and scatterers, you can’t stop my decoration this year; now I command you to scatter and dry up by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
15. You spiritual emptiers and scatterers, assigned to scatter my effort in life, I command you and your operations to backfire and scatter now in Jesus name.

16. You physical emptiers and scatterers prepared by hell to empty my harvest and life, be frustrated and scatter now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
17. O Lord, arise and let every marine emptier and scatterer assigned to monitor, empty and scatter whatever that concern me, scatter now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
18. My Father, My Father, let every witch or wizard assigned or sent form the coven to empty and scatter my testimonies, and breakthrough whither, dry up and scatter now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
19. By fire and thunder, I scatter every coven meeting convened because of me, my family, business, career, or calling now in Jesus name.

20. Psalm 34:6; Holy spirit, arise and save me from every planned trouble of my enemies targeted at me my destiny now in Jesus name.
21. Mathew 15:13; By fire and thunder, I uproot every evil planting and sacrifice done to destroy me, my family, career, business, marriage and ministry now in Jesus name.
22. O LORD, let every household enemy that vowed not to allow my dreams come to pass, die now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
23. Isaiah 29:6; Abba father, visit every hidden and secret enemy wit your flames of devouring fire this mo0ment in Jesus name.
24. Vs 6; Father, visit their helpers and counsellors with your perpetual storm of paralysis this momemt in Jesus name.

25. Esther 6:10; O LORD that fought for mordecai to compel haman to submit, fight for me this year in Jesus name.
26. Psalm 33:10; My enemies must submit, O LORD, arise and paralyse their counsel this moment by fire in Jesus name.
27. Vs 10; My enemies, Father arise for me and make their evil devices of no effect this moment by the Blood of Jesus.
28. Psalm 25:1; My enemies must submit this year. Father, arise for me and let not my enemies triumph over me in Jesus name.

29. Job 27:20; Father, arise and release your terror to terrify my enemies to submission this year in Jesus name.
30. Father, baptize the enemies of my destiny with incurable plagues to move them to submission in Jesus name.
31. Philippians 2:10; O enemy called sickness (name it) in the name of Jesus, I command you to submit and bow out of my body now by the blood.

32. Vs 10; O enemies, in the name of Jesus, I command you and your evil activities to submit and bow out of my life now by fire and thunder.
33. My enemies must submit, O evil friends working against my decoration catch fire and bow out of life and destroy now in Jesus name.

War Against Haman-13 2018 Day 9- Day 11

34. Job 22:28; I decree: Every evil partner working against my decoration, catch fire and bow out of my life in Jesus name.
35. Psalm 56:9; My father, my father, put every enemy fighting my decoration on reverse now by fire and thunder in Jesus name.
36. Job 20:27; O heavens, reveal the iniquity of my enemies to compel them to submit to me this hour by thunder in Jesus name.
37. Vs 27: O earth, in the name Jesus, rise up against my enemies to compel them to submission now by fire, thunder and earth quake.
38. Job 22:28, I decree and declare that my life shall be decorated this year as my enemy submit now in Jesus name.

39. I decree, declare and command all my enemies hijacked from my life to reappear now before me in Jesus name.
40. I Decree and declare and command that enemies snatched and stole from me and my destiny, to be restored now by fire and thunder in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna Prayer Points

41. Job 22:28; I DECREE AND DECLARE NOW: The LORD my God shall fight for me and I shall hold my peace. All my enemies shall wax old, wither and perish. They shall all submit and bow out of my way and life this year. Every unrepentant and stubborn enemy shall be eaten up by moth. Yes! WORMS SHALL EAT THEM UP LIKE HEROD! EVERY ENEMY working against my decoration, joy, gladness, happiness, fruithfulness, dancing, celebration and laughter, etc, shall be devoured by fire and thunder in this year 2018 now at THE WORLD ANIONTING DECORATION NIGHT of January

26th. Thank you holy ghost! I declare again: That my enemies have been paralyzed! Their evil hands, work, decrees and activities have withered! Their wicked and evil eyes are blindfolded and their evil works and devices are here by overruled, Nullified, and destroyed! I have been discharged and acquitted by heaven’s divine supreme court of justice! I Therefore lay claim over all hat is due to me in this year 2018! Now I possess my possessions! I declare that my Losses are restored back to me! I take back my partners, my helpers, my wife, my husband, children, marriage, my career, my education, my job, my business, my project and finance in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!


43. “2018” was created by my God, NOT BY THE DEVILS! So, I decree: This year shall favour me! It shall decorate me! It shall take away the OLD and bring the new! A new OIL! NEWN MERCY! NEW LEVELS AS I TEAR AWAY OLD DRESS OF SHAME AT THE WORLD ANOINTING Night. Lord, put on me a new dress like Elisha! Decorate me! For past shame, Give me new fame! For past disgrace, Give me a new dress of Grace, double grace and triple grace! Clothe me with new honour in January-December! Elisha tore his cloth and Jordan parted and the crows saw his new glory! That shall be my story! I am not a quitter! War Against Haman-13 2018 Daily Prayer Bullets

I refuse to surrender! Every Jordan will part my ways! I shall pass through and break through! Closed doors are opening again! Delayed testimonies shall speed forth like hand’s feet! I shall be accerelated to my promise land! Thank you Lord for my decoration! Thank you lord because when the earth experience three hours of darkness! at calvary! You were busy decorating your son on that cross of shame! You took away shame and give him fame for my sake! This is the hour for that manifestation! This is the year for that calvary action to come into being! Aman and amen!
44. Pray about the 12month f this year as led now! I shall possess my possessions and be decorated in January, February, March (mention all the remaining months of 2018). In these 12months, the MIRACLE OF “HOW DID IT HAPPEN?” shall locate my address as my DECORATION BANNER in Jesus name.

45. When Elijah left Elisha, men laughed at him! It seems like SHAME was his last bus-stop! BUT ELISHA tore his old cloths of shame and ridicle! He took on the new cloth of ELISHA which changed from SHAME to FAME! Oh! HE WAS DECORATED! That shall be your story as you decree below:

“As I SOW MY CHANGE-OF-GARMENT (ENEMY-SUBMISSION SEED) and carry out PROPHETIC ACTION OF TEARING AN OLD DRESS AT THE WORLD ANOINTING DECORATION NIGHT, you poverty clothes, I tear you off this year! I shall put on a new garment of divine supply, financial favor and Abrahamic riches at the WORLD ANOINTING DECORATION NIGHT! You clothes of delay, I tear you off NOW and a the WORLD ANOINTING DECORATION NIGHT!”

War Against Haman-13 2018 Day 9- Day 11


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Churchill Salubi
Churchill Salubi
7 years ago

We thank God for his divine grace. where can I get daily manner and war against haman in Asaba?

7 years ago

read – https://odmdaily.com/can-buy-daily-manna-odm-2018-war-haman-13/

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Olanike Olaniyi
Olanike Olaniyi
7 years ago

All glory to Christ for all He is doing in my life and family. Where can I get ODM and Haman 13 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA?
Thank you.

Blessing J Adewunmi
Blessing J Adewunmi
7 years ago

To God be the glory for seeing us to this year again,our year of Decoration.pls I will b glad if my contact can be included on any of social media via Facebook or WhatsApp group page for daily follow up on this 21 days fasting and prayer points war against Haman 13.Tnks.my contact 08132928210.Mrs Adewunmi from Abuja.

7 years ago

Ok Sir, God Bless you

Also keep following the prayer points we post here to pray before breaking your fast

7 years ago

Where can I buy Our Daily
Manna, Odm 2018 and War
Against Haman 13


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