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Our Daily Manna Devotional 1 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 1 December 2017


Basic Scripture: Hebrew 6:1-11
Welcome the last month of this year! Today’s devotional write-up creates an atmosphere of joy/relief because it shows that your pursuit
of holiness/pleasing God is not a STRUGGLE. It opens your eyes to know that God
is NOT difficult to please and holiness is easy!
Our Daily Manna Devotional 1 December 2017

Our Daily Manna Devotional 1 December 2017

Hebrews 11: 6 is an existing foundation for this: “But
without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe
that He is, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Some delays
to prayer answers this year so far, may make you to be working yourself to a
point of frustration trying to be PERFECT so that you can please God for faster
testimonies. You may have tried so hard and become so disappointed that you are
about to give up. Well, maybe you should quit trying to perfect on your own –
because none of us will ever be perfect through our own efforts.

Our Daily Manna November 1, 2017

God knows that you are human and He did not expect
perfection from you through a struggle! He knows that if you were perfect, you
would not even need a savior! So, the all-wise God loves you and accepts you as
you are because He made you. And He is able to make you into what He desires
you to be – if you Him and LLOW Him to work in you. In fact, Phil. 2:13 says:
“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”
PERFECT YOU! Wow! What loving Daddy! Also Hebrew 13:21-22
declares: “God…make you perfect
in every good work to do His will, working
in you
that which is well pleasing in His sight…” our daily manna prayer points
Again a clear emphasis: It is God that works in you to make
you perfect (see underlined above)! So, it not your struggle! He wants you to
TRUST HIM to work in you! He hates to see you STRUGGLING to please Him! What
does God desire from you? Not perfect performance, but perfect trust. Perfect
trust is what brings perfect performance!
I trust You Lord. Thank you for loving
me. I will rest in your love, instead of worrying about my performance and
perfection. WORK YOUR WILL IN ME. Produce your perfection in me!”
(The 2018 ODM and
“War against Haman- 13” booklets are out! Give them out as Christmas and New Year
gift items. Get your copies from your nearest bookshop  now!) Give a FAMILY/FRIEND the fortitude to
get in touch with ODMdaily.

Our Daily Manna Bible Verses

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song: Because He Lives…
Thank God that you are ALIVE! Pray about this
last month!
I refuse to struggle from today! Lord, I come to
You just as I am. Work Your will in me and THROUGH ME.
Perfection is a process! Repent from judging
others. UPROOT depression over any delay! Loose a LAST-MINUTE testimony before
the last day of this year! NO TEARS!
Pray in the morning, afternoon and evening using
the ODM daily devotional prayer points today/daily. Pray any other prayer(s) as
led now

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