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Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022 – WHO SENT THE STORMS? NO SHIPWRECK FOR ME!

Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022


ODM Back Cover 2022
ODM Back Cover 2022

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The Lord sent a great wind on the sea and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up (Jonah 1:4). Despite many advances in technology, seafaring is still dangerous today.

Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022 – WHO SENT THE STORMS? NO SHIPWRECK FOR ME!

In the past 10 years, more than 1,000 large ships have been lost worldwide. We often don’t hear about these shipwrecks in the news unless they affect our own country or region.

The United States-flagged cargo ship, El Faro, on its way to Puerto Rico, sank at sea with all 33 crew members on October 1, 2015, after sailing into Hurricane Joaquin. So this was what nearly happened to Jonah – SHIPWRECK! The prophet Jonah boarded a ship heading for Tarshish, a destination as far away as he could go from where the Lord had sent him to preach—in Nineveh.

Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022 – WHO SENT THE STORMS? NO SHIPWRECK FOR ME!

But despite Jonah’s rebellion, the Lord brought him back in the right direction. God sent a storm that threatened to wreck the ship until Jonah was thrown overboard.

Then, as the storm quickly cleared, the sailors worshiped the Lord, and God sent a huge fish to bring Jonah back to dry land. Not every STORM is from the devil. Some storms are sent to perfect the will of God for you!

Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022 – WHO SENT THE STORMS? NO SHIPWRECK FOR ME!

Have there been storms in your life that God has used to bring repentance and faith? ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris ” – Today 6.30 am (Nigeria time ) via Facebook & Youtube. Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022 – WHO SENT THE STORMS? NO SHIPWRECK FOR ME!


PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Tis so sweet to trust…

  1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now. Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022 – WHO SENT THE STORMS? NO SHIPWRECK FOR ME!

  2. Lord, perfect Your will concerning my destiny! Don’t allow the STORM that will sink me to come my way!

  3. My destiny ship shall not SINK! NO STORM SHALL SINK ME! I shall not miss the PERFECT WILL OF GOD! Lord, use me and cause Your RAIN OF GRACE TO FALL ON ME!

  4. I shall MANIFEST despite the following STORMS (mention them).

  5. Pray about today and any other issue(s) as led. Our Daily Manna 31st August 2022 – WHO SENT THE STORMS? NO SHIPWRECK FOR ME!

TOMORROW ODM is Ready ==> September 2022 Daily Manna Day 1 YOUR HEAD IS HIGHER THAN THEIR HEADS!

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