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A Page For Pastors/Ministers (Always See) – “DEMONIC EMBALMMENT”: NOT MY LOT!

A Page For Pastors/Ministers (Always See)



A young Russian lady had cysts (small seed-like growths) in her ovary, so she went to hospital to undergo surgery to get them removed. The 27 year-old lady, Ekaterina Fedyaeva, visited a hospital in Ulyanovsk, Russia in early April, 2018. Alas, something went wrong. She was accidentally given an intravenous bag containing FORMALDEHYDE, A PRESERVATIVE THAT IS USED TO PREVENT DEAD BODIES FROM DECAY.

 A Page For Pastors/Ministers (Always See)

A Page For Pastors/Ministers (Always See)

Hospital staff realized the mistake some minutes later and tried to wash it off but it was too late. Fedyaeva came out of surgery with severe pain and convulsions. Her husband and mother were both present throughout the horrifying ordeal. In their account, her mother said Fedyaeva’s “legs were moving, she had convulsions and her whole body was shaking.” The mother wore socks on her, then a robe, then a blanket yet the shivering continued.

She accidentally stumbled on a group of doctors quietly discussing the matter and that was how she knew the doctors had given a wrong medication. Fedyaeva was eventually put on life support and flown to a bigger hospital in Moscow where she before dying of multiple organ failure. Some news headlines said the Russian lady was “EMBALMED ALIVE.” What a tragedy! EMBALMED ALIVE! To EMBALM means to treat or inject a dead body with chemicals to prevent it’s decay! Do you know that there are millions who are WALKING BUT DEAD?

A Page For Pastors/Ministers (Always See)

They are alive but they dwell in CONFUSION without DIRECTION in life/ministry! No wonder Proverbs 21:16 says: “The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.” Wandering out of way of understanding means living a life without direction! You are equal to the dead! That means demonic powers want to EMBALM YOU ALIVE! Can you remember your great, great, great, great grandparents? When you are alive but nobody REMEMBERS you, just as the dead are forgotten, then you have been EMBALMED ALIVE – See Psalm 31:12; Eccl. 9:5!

When you cannot praise God but MURMUR AND GET DEPRESSED ALWAYS, then you have been EMBALMED because THE DEAD CANNOT PRAISE GOD – Psalm 115: 17! That means satan has concluded your destiny in depression and secret anger against God! Yes, when you are alive but ALWAYS FEAR THE FUTURE, then the power of DEMONIC EMBALMMENT is at work! (More tomorrow)! Pray seriously now!

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God.
1. Millions are WALKING BUT DEAD – LIVING CORPSES! Oh Lord, I refuse to be in that register! Loose me and go in Jesus name!

2. Satan, you CANNOT conclude my destiny in depression and secret anger against God! You DEMONIC EMBALMMENT agents, DIE in Jesus name(Pray it seriously till you have peace to stop)! Pray about today!

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