Daily Manna Devotional March 31 March 2019 – BUSINESS SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT GREEKS!

Daily Manna for today

Daily Manna Devotional March 31 March 2019 TOPIC: BUSINESS SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT GREEKS! BASIC SCRIPTURES: ECCLESIASTES 1:9-10; Joshua 1:1~18 As this quarter ends today, thank God for the gift of life! But let me share old formula for success that dates back to the ancient Greeks (9th-12th centuries BC). And …

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ODM Devotional March 2019 Day 29 – THERE IS A WILD ANIMAL IN YOUR TONGUE!

daily bible study

ODM Devotional March 2019 Day 29 THERE IS A WILD ANIMAL IN YOUR TONGUE! TAME IT NOW! BASIC SCRIPTURE: EZEKIEL 36: 1-9 Ezekiel had to PROPHESY to the BONES and the WINDS before the BONES COULD LIVE AGAIN! Proverbs 12: 18 is clear: [“There is that speak the like the …

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Daily Manna ODM 28 March 2019 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe – TIME MANAGEMENT BULLETS!


Daily Manna ODM 28 March 2019 By Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe TOPIC: TIME MANAGEMENT BULLETS! BASIC SCRIPTURES: PSALM 39:1-6; JOHN 9:4 Always remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is -history! Tomorrow is a mystery! Today is a gift! That is why it is called, the present. In this 1st …

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