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Daily Manna 28 July 2019 – TOPIC: CYCLE OF LIFE!

Daily Manna 28 July 2019


Basic Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1-18

I got this and I believe it will bless you in this season: It talks about the cycle of life and vanity of humanity: Daily Manna 28 July 2019 – TOPIC: CYCLE OF LIFE!

daily bible study
Daily Manna 28 July 2019

Daily Manna 28 July 2019

At 1 year old, success is when you can walk without support! At 4 years old, success is when you no longer urinate in your pants. At 8 years old, success is when you can make your way back home from school. At 12 years old, success is to have friends and to have finished first level school (primary). At 18 years old, success when you have finished your secondary school education and you can get a driving license. At 23 years old, success is when you have graduated from a university.

At 25 years old, success is when you start earning an income. At 30 years old, success is when you are a family man. At 35 years old, success is to make money. At 45 years old, success is to maintain the appearance of a young man. At 50 years old, success is to provide good education for your children. At 55 years old, success could be defined as still being able to perform your duties well.

At 60 years old, success could be defined as the ability to still keep your driving license (remember Queen Elizabeth’s husband who’s license was taken off him at 90+). At 65 years old, success could be defined as living without any kind if disease. Then at 70 years old, success is when you are not a burden to anyone including your children. Also, at 70 years old, success is when you can BE THANKFUL DAILY FOR THE GIFT OF LONG LIFE! Remember that many who had the same birthday with you did not reach 70 or beyond! At 75 years old, success is the ability to still have some of your old friends.

Daily Manna 28 July 2019 – TOPIC: CYCLE OF LIFE!

At 81 years old, success is when you can know your way back home without being guided or reminded (people tend to forget things as they grow old). Funny but true! At 86 years old, success is you do not urinate in your pants again. Remember our definition of success at 4 years old? Oh, indeed, the cycle of life is beginning to be complete! At the age of 90 success is when you can walk without support again (Remember our above definition of success at year 1)?

Daily Manna 28 July 2019

Wow! Indeed, LIFE IS A CYCLE! It starts and winds down to the sane spot and that was why Solomon screamed the word, “VANITY” 38 times in the book of Ecclesiastes! Ah! Life! Don’t expect too much from it! Live simple! Be happy by force no matter your battles or mistakes! C. S. Lewis crafted: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” Daily Manna 28 July 2019 – TOPIC: CYCLE OF LIFE!

It takes a year to prepare for the January World Anointing night. Let God use you! People’s testimony shall provoke your own! Sow your anointing night seed to: Manna Miracle Mountain Ministry (Jwan) UBA Acct No: 1015310823 or any account on page 29 of ODM!

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory now!
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.

  1. Thank You Lord for opening my eyes to see that LIFE IS A VANITY CYCLE! Lord, teach me to number my days, to enable me to apply my heart to WISDOM! Pray about today as led now.

OUR DAILY MANNA HYMNS 2019. Daily Manna 28 July 2019 – TOPIC: CYCLE OF LIFE!

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Yoh edequin
Yoh edequin
5 years ago

Awesome. The passage the day n prayer point coincides with my birthday.

Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
5 years ago


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