Our Daily Manna

Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018

ODM by Dr Chris

Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018 THE NEPOLEON SECRET Basic Scripture: Judges 6: 1-24 Verse 12 of today’s scripture says: ‘’the angel of the Lord said to him (Gideon), ‘….Thou mighty man of valor.’’ Man of valor? For hiding from his enemies? This is amazing! Here was a man …

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Our Daily Manna Devotional 14 February 2018

Daily Manna ODM January 13, 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 14 February 2018 The third ‘’P’’ of Joseph Basic Scripture: Genesis 39: 19-23 The third ‘’P’’ of Joseph is ‘’The Prison’’ (satanic cages). Note that, a prison is a place of confinement, restriction, and limitation! It is a cage that hides your true self and gives …

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Our Daily Manna Devotional 13 February 2018

Daily Manna ODM January 13, 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotonal 13 February 2018 THE PAST MUST GO FOREVER Basic Scriptures: Isaiah43: 13-21; Nahum 1:9 It is easier said than done: forgetting the past! Millions are trapped in the fear that familiar is safe. The past seems familiar, while the future looks risky. But today’s Basic Scripture …

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