Daily Manna 23 October 2018
Basic Scripture: Isaiah 54: 10-17
Righteousness is the force that gives a man the boldness and confidence to stand before God and receive whatever he needs from Him. A righteous man can never make a request before God that God will not grant. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE. This same righteousness is the force that gives a man the boldness and confidence to stand before the devil and his other adversaries and DEMAND whatever he desires; and THEY WILL OBEY. It is not possible for a righteous man to make a decree that the devil will not obey. Click here to read – Daily Manna 22 October 2018 – “THE OWL IN THE SHOP: VERY MUCH ALIVE!”
Daily Manna 23 October 2018
Verse 14 of our Basic Scripture says: ‘In righteousness shalt thou be established…’ When you are established in the righteousness of the Lord, you become unstoppable. You are far from oppression and from terror. Every threat and ‘noise’ of the enemy designed to inject fear and paralysis into you will fail. Let the devil assemble all the hosts of hell against the righteous man/woman, THEY WILL FALL. See Verse 15 of that same scripture: “Behold they shall surely gather, but not by me. Whoever shall gather together against you shall surely fall for your sake.”
Did you get that? Those that hate you shall FALL DAILY even as 2018 ends/beyond! Ah! You can count on one thing in life: PEOPLE WILL GATHER AGAINST YOU. If it has never happened, it will happen. If it has happened to you already, prepare for more. Why? Because the more they gather, the more they will fall and the more they fall, the higher you will bounce! Yea! Your haters are your spring boards for your rising!
Oh, I feel like dancing now! They shall fall into utter confusion. Pharaoh and his men gathered against Moses and the children of Israel, but their gathering was thrown into confusion and they all drowned in the red sea! Those that gathered against Daniel became dinner for lions! Oh! FEAR NOT! The same God that turned the table against the conspirators of Daniel, Nehemiah, Moses, etc, that same God is alive and He is your Father! Oh! Lift up your hands and begin to worship Him now! You will prevail and watch your haters/conspirators drown in SHAME! Amen and amen!
Daily Manna 23 October 2018
Be at the LAGOS (LEKKI) ANOINTING SERVICE of this Saturday October 27th; TIME: 8am. Theme: “VOMIT MY BLESSINGS!” Write names of your family members and be there! Always see page 89 for → BUSINESS SUCCESS MOTIVATION SECRETS
PRAYER POINTS: Take song 2: When the morning comes…
1. Pray seriously for yourself concerning today’s word.
2. I am righteous in Christ! I live holy! SIN shall NOT have any hold or DOMINION over me in Jesus name. Daily Manna 23 October 2018 – TOPIC: CONSPIRATORS MUSTS FALL!
3. I stand in divine boldness and decree: All who gather against me as 2018 ends, MUST FALL and FALL in Jesus name (Pray it seriously for five days).
4. Pray about today seriously now. See page 7 daily for Morning, → CLICK HERE, afternoon, → CLICK HERE and evening → CLICK HERE prayers now/DAILY (Page 7).
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