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ODM 24 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe – PRAY IN THE VALLEY! -1

ODM 24 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe


Basic Scripture: 2 Samuel 15: 10-15; 30-37

After reigning over the land for many years, an unusual conspiracy arose against David, led by his own son, Absalom. Verse 12 of our scripture says, ‘…and the conspiracy grew strong, for the people with Absalom continually increased in number.’ David’s own son rose against him, and in spite of David’s fault, God was still on David’s side. THIS IS MERCY-IN-ACTION! You need to learn how to QUICKLY Turn Back To Your Father And “Obtain Mercy/Grace To Help In Time Of Need/Battle.”

ODM 24 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

ODM 24 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

As 2018 ends, you must remind yourself daily that God is on your side! If God is not against you, your enemies cannot defeat you no matter how strong the conspiracy that is against you. The God that you are serving is able to scuttle that conspiracy and raise you higher than your adversaries! David’s own son, Absalom, turned against him SUDDENLY. The greater pain was that most of David’s trusted friends were in support of his son – Absalom Even Mephibosheth, a lame grandson of Saul who had obtained mercy from David, refused to support David.

Ahithophel, one of David’s closest/confidants, the wisest counselor and grandfather of Bethsheba, David’s wife, had become Absalom’s advisor. It was a season of gloom and hopelessness for David. But David knew where to turn to. Listen: When your entire world is falling apart, when your confidants turn against you, then you must turn to the one who can never turn against you – Jehovah, The Ever Present Help In Trouble!

Yes! Turn to the ONE who has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” David turned to God and prayed one simple prayer, “O Lord, I pray, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness.” Oh, did you catch that? In your emergency battles or in your VALLEY SEASON OF DESPAIR, the right prayer at the right time baked in the kitchen of divine mercy, can produce a winning result that will turn disgrace into uncommon grace!

ODM 24 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

Within a few hours of praying, another one of David’s friends, Hushai, showed up, and David asked him to go and join Absalom in the city and act like a spy. God had begun to answer his prayers! I decree: As 2018 ends, HELP shall locate you from UNEXPECTED QUARTERS! The spirit of God is saying to you right now: Fear not! Do not let any conspiracy paralyze you! Turn to your God and pray your prayer of faith EVEN IN YOUR VALEY SEASON, WHEN HOPE SEEMS LOST! He will raise up help for you from the most unusual place and win great victories for you! Hold on and hold out!

Today is the beginning of Manna Women Interdenominational Power Conference. Theme: “OIL OF GRACE.” Venue: Ogudu (Wed-Fri 6pm); Lekki (Sat, 7am). THE MANNA PRAYER MOUNTAIN – “THE ANOINTING SERVICES PLAN FOR THIS QUARTER (SATURDAYS)

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: My faith looks up…
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word now. ODM 24 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe

2. As 2018 ends, every counsel of the enemy against me; be scattered! BE TURNED INTO FOOLISHNESS in Jesus name. I release terror into the camp of my haters; BE THROWN INTO CONFUSION NOW in Jesus name. ODM 24 October 2018 By Dr Chris Kwakpovwe – PRAY IN THE VALLEY! -1

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Ugonwa Anyakoha
Ugonwa Anyakoha
6 years ago’s message is just for me.O Lord turn the adviseof any ahitophel working against my destiny into foolishness in the mighty name of Jesus…AMEN

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