Daily Manna Day 3 ODM July 2018
Remember yesterday’s devotional concerning the spider web and the brick wall! The Holy Ghost wants you to know that in this 2nd half of 2018, your God may decide to use a poor widow and not a rich billionaire to feed you! Ask Elijah! He may decide to use the CHEAP jawbone of a despised ass (donkey) instead of a nuclear bomb to deliver your enemies into your hands! Ask Samson! Don’t miss previous ODM Daily/2nd July 2018 – “SPIDER’S WEB: STRONGER THAN THE BRICK WALL! -1” Click here
Daily Manna Day 3 ODM July 2018
He may decide to use the common and smelling/dirty rod of a shepherd, instead of sending down millions of angels to disgrace your stubborn pursuers! Ask Moses! Oh! Your God is the DIVINE SURPRISE MANUFACTURER! Yes! He may decide to use an unqualified/despised MOAB WOMAN – Ruth – TO BECOME THE GRANDMOTHER OF THE MESSIAH, instead of a qualified Jewish girl! Oh, great God! Stop imagining how He will CHANGE YOUR NAME from SHAME to FAME!
His ways are not your ways and His thoughts are not your thoughts! Stop imagining HOW you will get married or become a mother/father! His ways are not your ways and His thoughts are not your thoughts! Stop imagining HOW you will locate that much needed testimony because His ways are not your ways and His thoughts are not your thoughts! HE IS THE BIG BRAIN OF THE UNIVERSE, SEEN AND UNSEEN,AND HE IS THE ALL-WISE GOD! Why are you crying? Why are you pitying yourself? Why that SECRET ANGER AGAINST GOD?
Daily Manna Day 3 ODM July 2018
When man says it is OVER with you, God says it is ALL GREAT with you! What men call your EXIT will become your ENTRY into a higher phase because the ways of your God are sometimes hidden in the land of mystery! With your God, a mere spider’s web can become a brick wall of protection! Pray now, HOLD ON AND HOLD OUT!
Expect a miracle! Expect a DIVINE SURPRISE EVENT SOON even as you prepare for the 14 days fasting : July 8th – July 21st!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: What a friend…
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray generally as led. Daily Manna Day 3 ODM July 2018
2. Thou God that can use a SPIDER’S WEB to disgrace a BRICK WALL, USE ANY MEANS IN YOUR WISDOM TO SET ME ON MY THRONE in Jesus name (Pray it very well).
3. God of DIVINE SURPRISE, Jehovah God, my ways are not Your ways! SURPRISE ME concerning the following issues of my destiny (Mention them now). Daily Manna Day 3 ODM July 2018 – SPIDER’S WEB: STRONGER THAN THE BRICK WALL! -2
4. Pray for prisoners and the Christians in North Korea today! 5. Pray about today seriously and any other matter(s) affecting your focus! Daily Manna Day 3 ODM July 2018
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This is awesome. Please send them to me everyday. I need them as my daily bread