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Daily Manna Dev. 24 June 2019 – DON’T BURY THAT PAIN! SET IT FREE! -1

Daily Manna Dev. 24 June 2019


“The story below is by Tammy Brown, a woman whom God restored A her home and like this devotional ODM, has blessed thousands across the globe with her Bible studies for the hurting (Healed and Set Free Bible Study)! Hear her: “My husband and I have been married for fourteen years. Somewhere along the way, we stopped investing in our “love account” and did a lot more investing in our “self-serving account.” We had begun drinking. It started with special occasions, then weekends, and then before we knew it, it was several times a week.

War Against Haman 14 Day 12-13
Daily Manna Dev. 24 June 2019

Daily Manna Dev. 24 June 2019

I was under the illusion that I was a much “happier” person if I drank. That was far from the truth! I usually found myself pointing an accusatory finger at my husband, followed by nagging. My husband would turn a deaf ear to me, giving me the cold shoulder. During this time, we found ourselves in very unsavory situations, even dangerous. Our family life began to suffer, as well as our spiritual life. I very rarely went to church. Although I was saved, I felt very distant with God By this point in my life, I had already felt the cold sting of being I molested as a child, and the fear of I physical and verbal retaliation from a much older brother.

But my fear, shame and guilt would not end there; life was about to deal me the biggest blow of my life—betrayal. Betrayal was one of my biggest fears, and I shared that very openly in my marriage. I have learned that satan works our fears against us, that is, if we give him the power to do so. My husband strayed for a moment, and in that moment, our lives were forever changed. I felt so hopeless. I screamed a colorful array of phrases at him over the phone. I found myself circling his car with a very large mallet trying to decide which part was going to be taken out first.

Eventually I relented and took my anger out on our picnic table, which, needless to say, did not survive…”(To be continued tomorrow). As we continue tomorrow, today’s scripture Vs 10 is a balm: “For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” The LORD accomplished His PURPOSE for man through PAIN (suffering)! The Holy Ghost wants you to know that PAIN is real but the LORD wants you to INVEST YOUR PAIN!

Daily Manna Dev. 24 June 2019

Let your pain become your teacher and manufacturer of your destiny throne! Yes! Let your mistakes become great life lessons as you allow the LORD to turn’your fears into HOPE and your scars into stars! Truth is that NO WINTER LASTS FOREVER! So hold on and hold out!

(This Saturday and SUNDAY are the ODM ANNUAL FINAL DAYS OF MERCY. SATURDAY IS MEDICAL OUTREACH, 9am. OGUDU AND LEKKI Mountains! SUNDAY 30TH JUNE involves visiting Orphanages, Hospitals, Elderly people’s homes, etc. Sow a seed of MERCY into UBA, ACCT. NO. 1021784230 NAME: ODM MERCY OUTREACH to help buy food items, etc, to be given to these MERCY HOMES! MERCY WILL NEVER ELUDE YOU!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: ‘When the morning comes…
1. In your own words, pray about today’s devotional as led.
2. Lord, turn every pain to gain and turn every scar of my past to my STAR in Jesus name (Pray it seriously).

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I love ODM it teaches me how to pray thank you for your motivation

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