Our Daily Manna Devotional 14 February 2018
The third ‘’P’’ of Joseph
Basic Scripture: Genesis 39: 19-23
The third ‘’P’’ of Joseph is ‘’The Prison’’ (satanic cages). Note that, a prison is a place of confinement, restriction, and limitation! It is a cage that hides your true self and gives you a false image or picture of your real identity! It is a place that can render a place a great destiny and star impotent. It is a place or land of forgetfulness, rejection and abandonment! It’s a place where your voice is not heard! Also, See Our Daily Manna Devotional 13 February 2018
Our Daily Manna Devotional 14 February 2018
The worst prison is not the physical prison but the spiritual prison! Many people are in one form of spiritual prison or the other and they are ignorant! In this New Year 2018, the enemy may be planning the prison or cage life for you. But any physical, spiritual, financial, marital, academic, career, health and business prison programmed for you shall scatter and expire in Jesus name! Listen to this: God of the mountains and the hills is still God in the valley!
ODM Prayer Points/Bullets 2018
The God of the palace is still the God in the prison (cage)! But hear the conclusion of any satanic plan to cage your destiny: ‘’But the lord was with Joseph, and showed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison’’ (Genesis 39:21). Ah! There is a but that will encounter every satanic plan against you this year! But the Lord was with Joseph! Oh!
I am excited that your God will not leave you at the mercy of your enemies! There is a but between their plans and His plans! He will show up for you even at the last minute! That is why you must never give up trusting him and don’t miss the Asaba anointing service of this weekend! I shall lay hands on everyone as I am commanded. Come with your 2018 prayer points again and limitations will scatter!
Our Daily Manna Devotional 14 February 2018
(Asaba programme: This Friday, February 16th 6pm and Saturday 17th 8am. Theme: Hero to Zero Arrow: Return to sender)! A plan to turn you from hero to zero or from palace to prison (Demotion) will backfire this weekend and beyond as I lay hands on everyone present in Jesus name! Be there! You will testify! Pray seriously now!
Still give out extra copies of our daily manna and children ODM as seeds into someone’s life to help them for victory over life’s battles in this first quarter of this year. An extra copy will provoke an extra decoration for you! The Lord said this at the last world anointing night! This is your year! War Against Haman-13 2018
Prayer Points: Take your best worship to God.
Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led!
Oh Lord, I reject the prison life! Holy Ghost, by the anointing destroying, destroys the headquarters of limitations in Jesus name.
Pray about the Asaba international anointing service now!
Pray about today seriously and any other issue(s) affecting your peace.
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I fuifil my pledge in the month of january i didnt received any prophetic prayer thanks
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