Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018


Basic Scripture: Judges 6: 1-24

Verse 12 of today’s scripture says: ‘’the angel of the Lord said to him (Gideon), ‘….Thou mighty man of valor.’’ Man of valor? For hiding from his enemies? This is amazing! Here was a man who was hiding from the Midianites in fear! Yet, God refused to call him, ‘’Thou mighty coward of Israel.’’ Read Our Daily Manna 14 February 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018


Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018

That is what you and I would have called him! But he Lord God called him, ‘’Thou mighty man of valor.’’ That is why I call this God, the unquestionable God! No man question what He does or what He says! I also call Him the Alpha and the Omega God1 He knows your end from your beginning and that was why he called an unstable leaf (Simon) a rock (Peter). He was looking at the end of that man! He does not judge the way the man judges! Our Daily Manna 2018

He is the author and finisher of your destiny! So in your dealings with others in this year 2018, you must realize that every person in this world is hungry for recognition, self-esteem, companionship, love and understanding, etc. Since you don’t know their end, never write off any man or woman! It is said that Napoleon Bonaparte, the great and successful war general, knew every officer of his army by name!

War Against Haman-13 2018 

He never missed an opportunity to care despite their weak points! He would ask about a soldier’s family, hometown, moods problems, etc, and the soldiers were amazed at his knowledge of deep, personal matters that concerned them. That is the quality of any man/woman to shine/be decorated in life and ministry this year! No wonder men were even prepared to lay even their lives for Napoleon the Great!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018

You can be greater and better! Learn that, ‘’there is hardly a higher compliment that you can pay an individual than to help that person be useful and find satisfaction and significance.’’ Please be an expert this year in the science of making people feel great and important despite their faults! Remember, you are not perfect yourself! Peace! Our Daily Manna January to March 2018

Prayer Points: Take your best worship to God.
Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led!
Oh Lord, I reject the prison life! Holy Ghost, by the anointing destroying, destroys the headquarters of limitations in Jesus name. Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018
Pray about the Asaba international anointing service now!
Pray about today seriously and any other issue(s) affecting your peace. Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 February 2018


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