Our Daily Manna Devotional 2 January 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 2 January 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 2 January 2018 –  BAD THINKING AND BAD  PRODUCT!

Basic scripture: Philippians 4:1-10

Welcome this change-of-garment new Year! Some year ago, the Toyota company had a popular advert used for Toyota product: it was, “Good thinking, Good product”. Oh yes, you can also say quite the opposite: “BAD thinking; BAD product.” in this New Year 2018, it is great to create your own future and not your own failure by the thought you think! God gives us the ability to think, but unfortunately, he does not guarantee or supervise what we think! Our Daily Manna Devotional 2 January 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 2 January 2018

ALSO READ– Our Daily Manna Devotional 1 January 2018


Our Daily Manna Devotional 2 January 2018



The Word says, “…. Think on these things.” which things? Read the basic scripture again. It means: Thinking of things that will aid your arrival to your promised land this year! Yes, life is not always fair and battles/trials will show up sometimes, but you must resist any other thought that can poison your goals this year! This is because you cannot rise above your thoughts! In everyday of 2018, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact via your thoughts! If depression, bad news self-pity, fear of your future, comparing yourself to others, etc, filled your thoughts yesterday, then you have 1,440 new opportunities to make a positive change today!


Our Daily Manna Devotional 2 January 2018

It was Joyce Mayer who said: “You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” she was on target! Then follow me to the library of Jack Canfield: “Successful people maintain a positive focus in no matter what is going around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.” wonderful! Truth is that you are going to go through tough times sometimes-that’s life. But always remember that: nothing happens to you, it happens for you!

All things will work out for your good at last, so why think negatively in battles? Do you know that God will always use whatever the devil or enemies throw at you as your Decoration raw materials? Oh, saint of God, see the positive in negative events or your past delays! Set a gate over your mind and your thoughts this early year! Remember: Bad thinking; bad product! You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind! Resist BAD and NEGATIVE thinking daily this year! Pray now!

Help someone join the 21-days fast: sow A Copy of this “OUR DAILY MANNA,” “War Against Haman-13,” “Children ODM,” ODM Cartoon,” As new year seeds into a life for victory Over life’s Battles this year! Your God is a rewarded!
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PRAYER POINT: Take a song of worship to God
1. Lord, pass my mind through your fire today and this year!
2. Lord, help me to keep thinking wise/positive thoughts! I shall think positively from today on every matter in Jesus name.
Pray about today!


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6 years ago

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