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Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 16 June 2018 –  LEARN MORE! KNOW MORE TO WIN MORE!

Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 16 June 2018



Knowledge is power! Power that you cannot tap into is useless! This means that if you have knowledge and you don’t apply it, you are as weak and helpless person in the world. It is knowledge which is applied that brings results! See previous outstanding devotionals which you would not want to miss  CLICK HERE

Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 16 June 2018

Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 16 June 2018

If you want o see more results in your life, family and ministry, then you need to apply what you know more and more! Yes! In this second quarter of 2018, you need to learn more know more and apply more! No wonder Paul was always praying the prayer in today’s scripture. He prayed that the eyes of their understanding were enlightened so that they could know three important things! And the spirit of God is challenging you to pray these Holy-Ghost inspired prayers for yourself every day!

First, he prayed that they would know the hope of God’s calling in their lives! Know that serving this God called Jehovah will land you on HOPE ISLAND OF BLISS AT LAST! There is a reward! Secondly! He prayed that they would know the riches of the glory of God’s inheritance in the saints! You are not a weak man/woman from a weak God! You are blessed and you are a child of the KING of kings who rule the universe! Aha!

Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 16 June 2018

You are a PRINCE/PRINCES and you have an INHERITANCE! As He is so are you in the world! You are a JOINT HEIR with Christ! All that belongs to your God belongs to you! Wow! Worship him now! And thirdly, he prayed that they will know the exceeding greatness of the power of God that was working on their behalf as believers! Amazing! Your courage in battle is determined by how much of the exceeding greatness of the power of God you know!

THE PEOPLE THAT KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG AND THEY SHALL DO EXPLOIT! People are destroyed not for lack of prayers, but for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Oh, Isaiah 5:13  (powerful ring in a nuclear reactor): Therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge: and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. God forbid! Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 16 June 2018

More knowledge is the key to more result this year! Reject the GARMENT OF IGNORANCE! Pray these three prayers above for yourself, your family, helpers, your pastor and your church members! You can never end up in SHAME!  Amen!

Daily Manna Devotional For Champions 16 June 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 1: Tis so sweet…

In your own words, pray on today’s word as led.
Ask for the grace to seek for more knowledge in what you do! Read more! Buy more CDs! Go back to school etc.
Pray the three prayers above seriously for yourself and others.

I DECREE every demonic loophole that is been used to drain my VICTORY, be closed up and sealed by the blood of Jesus NOW!
Cancel a serious leg injury that may lead to amputation!

Amen and Amen!

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