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ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 15th June 2018 – CROSSING THE FALSE ACCUSATION BUS-STOP

ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 15th June 2018


Basic Scripture Genesis 39; 13 19

Every great man or woman, along your journey through planet earth, will be lied against, falsely accused or even blackmailed once or twice in your life. I Dr Chris have personally passed through this bus-stop twice so far in my lifetime and it was not funny because it creates deep anger in you because you know that this is the handy work of your enemies. See → “THE STORY BEHIND THE GLORY

ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 15th June 2018

ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 15th June 2018

The lord Jesus himself was falsely accused and called several name! David was falsely accused! Joseph was falsely accused and jailed! Peter was falsely accused and jailed (act 12; 1-4) Paul was falsely accused and jailed (Col 4; 18 2 Tim2; 9)! So it is a bus –stop you must pass through at one time or the other if you must be great because your enemies envy you.

Toxic people will accuse you falsely but always remember that even salt looks like sugar untill it is tasted. So, be careful of what you say about others without facts! When you are falsely accused, look up to God because He will bring everything hidden to light! It is a matter of time! Your God will bring justice! He will shake the dust off your feet! No wonder Mathew 5:11 says, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.”

ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 15th June 2018

Like Joseph, sometimes you can suffer for sin you did not commit, but at such times, know that God is not sleeping on your case. Truth is that the evidence against Joseph was real (his dress was used) but the story was satanically false/fabricated! But the Holy Ghost is saying to you today, that in 2018, every manufactured evidence against you will turn against the manufacturer in Jesus name! Those falsifying stories against you shall dry up by fire this year! Their false stories shall turn against them!

In This New Year, any false stories against you shall become your rocket to greater heights in Jesus name! Refuse to live in bitterness! Leave the battle to God! This is your year. ODM Daily Friday – 15th June 2018

Read “Business Secrets For Business Men/Women” – IF YOU DON’T GIVE UP, YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE! To read, → CLICK HERE

PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God.
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led! ODM Daily Devotional For Champions 15th June 2018
2. Agents of FALSE ACCUSATIONS, what are you waiting for? Confess or run mad in Jesus name.

3. O God, I command any FALSE ACCUSATION meant to rubbish my name and bring shame to your kingdom scatter in Jesus name. Daily Manna For Champions June 15 2018
4. Pray about today seriously and any other issue(s) affecting your peace. ODM Today 15th June 2018

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Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
Elizabeth Kanyama Zulu
6 years ago

May the Almighty continue to use you Man of God. because this word of God it always pierces my soul

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