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Daily Manna Devotional July 9 ODM 2018 – STAND OUT! CREATE YOUR OWN RULES!

Daily Manna Devotional July 9 ODM 2018



Welcome to today’s hour of GRACE! The Holy Ghost is saying to you today: DON’T REST TILL YOU BECOME THE BEST in ALL YOU DO – including your PRIVATE PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY LIFE! The truth is that most of those competing with you are not hard to surpass! They’re dealing with the same practical challenges you are facing!

Daily Manna Devotional July 9 ODM 2018

Daily Manna Devotional July 9 ODM 2018

Always remember this about others or about your competitors: Most will quit long before they ever really begin — always remaining mediocre at what they do! That is why you must KEEP PRESSING ON! All things are possible with your God and He wants you to STAND OUT! When everyone else is zigging, that’s when you zag. Pardon the use of my, “ODM LANGUAGE” coined from the word “ZIG-ZAG” which means moving in opposite directions like the teeth of a saw! I repeat: STOP FOLLOWING THE WAY IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN DONE – the crowd!

When Everyone Else Is Zigging, That’s When You Should Zag! Run towards the thing everyone else is running away from in order to stand out from the crowd! If what you are doing doesn’t seem slightly crazy to you, and very crazy to other people, you are probably following the safe old path. Daily Manna Devotional July 9 ODM 2018 – STAND OUT! CREATE YOUR OWN RULES!

In this 2nd half of 2018 and in this 14-day fasting programme, instead of following the rules set by society, create your own rules because YOU ARE MORE THAN WHAT YOU ARE NOW! Yes! You have dwelt LONG ENOUGH on this mountain (Vs 6)! Oh! Indeed, Mount. HOREB was good! That was where Moses received his ministry!

Daily Manna Devotional July 9 ODM 2018

That was where the bush burned with fire, but was not consumed! But Mount Horeb is no longer good enough for you!It is time to move HIGHER! Can’t you see greater heights ahead? I SEE GREATER HEIGHTS AND A NEW NAME COMING on you and all yours! Don’t miss the last-day LAGOS Anointing Service on July 21st in this fasting programme! As I lay hands on you as commanded, NEW IDEAS that will shake your generation will come upon you and the anointing that will STAND YOU OUT WILL FALL! Amen!

Get ready! Sow a “CHANGE OF NAME SEED” into any of the accounts on page 29 of this booklet and send a Whatsapp to +234-8144-0442-26 or e- mail: and I will send you 3 Prayer points and a “CHANGE OF NAME PSALM” to pray for 3 weeks! Today is Day 2 of the 14-day fasting programme. PRAY THE GENERAL PRAYERS ON PAGE 93 Click here. AND PRAYERS ON PAGE 43 OF THE “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-13” Article/BOOKLET → Click here. Daily Manna Devotional July 9 ODM 2018

PRAYER POINT: Take your most loved hymn to your God now → CLICK HERE
1. I have stayed LONG ENOUGH on this mountain. Holy Ghost, give me an UNCOMMON IDEA that will change my world (Pray it seriously for 7 days).

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