Our Daily Manna Devotional November 6, 2017
Our Daily Manna devotional
November 6, 2017
Basic Scriptures: Numbers 9:15-23; Psalm 32:5
Our Daily Manna Devotional November 6, 2017
Today’s Basic Scripture (RSV) Vs. 18 says, “At the LORD’s command they
encamped, and at the LORD’s command they set out.” The KIJ puts it thus:
“At the commandment of the LORD, the children of Israel journeyed, and
at the commandment of the LORD they pitched…..’ Note: “At the
command……..” This is the secret of peace and calm elevation. It is
secret of untold promotion – moving at the pace of God. If an Israelite
in the desert decided to make an independent move outside Jehovah’s
command, if he/she took it upon himself/herself to move when the crowd
was at rest or to rest while the crowd was moving, then calamity and
destruction was the end product.
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