Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 14 June 2018 – THE LAS VEGAS MASSACRE: VANITY IN ACTION

Daily Manna Devotional For 14 June 2018


Basic Scripture: Luke 6; 41-49

The deadliest shooting in America history took place in his Las Vegas with at least 59 people dead in late 2017. The shocker of this deadly shooting was that it was carried out by a wealthy retired accountant who opened fire from a hotel room above a packed outdoor concert in Las Vegas, killing at least 59, wounding 527 more. See previous important  odm devotionals HERE 

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 14 June 2018

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 14 June 2018

Gunman step her Craig paddock, 64, an addicted gambler who enjoyed playing high- stakes poker, killing himself shortly before offices stormed his 32nd – floor room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. Authorities seized over 40 firearms that Paddock had in his hotel room or at his home in Mesquites, Nevada, where police also seized explosives and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

The police described Mr Paddock as a crazy lunatic full of hate. Amazing world indeed! Note that this man was wealthy! He was not a poor lunatic! What will drive a wealthy man to become full or hate for society? It shows that vanity is the last bus-stop of wealth! Hear Sir Richard Steele: “Vanity makes men ridiculous, pride odious and ambition terrible.” No wonder he wasted close to 60 souls in a few minutes!

Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 14 June 2018

Indeed, success, joy and fulfillment are not tired to money, education who you know, who you don’t know, power, social ranking, etc, but it is determined by discipline, connection to God and inner peace! Success is not the key to happiness! Happiness is the key to success! Success is not measured by how popular you are before men but how popular you are before the throne of grace.

Success is how much you care about others and not how famous you are! Success is love because GOD is love! Yes, success is not is not measured by how much you take but how much you give! Yes, success is not measured by just your testimony alone, but how people testified because of your life! Oh! Success is not just victory, but the amount of opposition you overcame before that victory! So the rich also cry when their hearts are not rooted in GOD!

That is the vanity cycle of man! Vanity blossoms but bears no fruit! Use today’s devotional to check the origin of the houses you are building (your life). Can it stand the wave/battle of life or is it on sinking sand –pursuit of fame glamour or wealth! pray now! Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 14 June 2018

ODM 3RD EDITION IS OUT! When life ZIGZAGS, ODM creates SANITY! Get your copies today/STAY IN TOUCH DAILY! Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 14 June 2018

PRAYER POINT: Take song 3: It is well with my soul…
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led. Daily Manna Devotional Reading For 14 June 2018
2. Repent from spending more time than necessary in pursing career and business.

3. I refuse to build my house on sinking sand this year. Daily Manna  14 June 2018
4. I refuse to be a victim of vanity I shall spend more time with God this year! I shall finish my bible this year I shall serve humanity this year so help me God
5. Pray in tongues now!


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