Daily Manna For Champions 13 October 2018
Basic Scripture: Psalm 46: 1-3; Psalm 18: 6-19
May the Almighty God who SPECIALIZES in sending help in times of need VISIT you today in Jesus name. I am particularly directed to people who are looking unto God for a breakthrough in a SPECIAL AREA of their lives today because it is your HOUR and SEASON Rejoice! Dance around in your room with all excitement, giving praise to God in songs because this last quarter of the year is your SET TIME!
Daily Manna For Champions 13 October 2018
Hear Mathsona D: “The distance between faith and doubt is your miracle.” This ODM ministry/vision has been and recorded tremendous and unfathomable testimonies by the God I call, ’JEHOVAH OVER DO!’ Yes! He is the God of the Extras – “Jehovah EXTRA – DO,” A sister once gave a testimony of how the yoke of delay was broken, and she got her long-awaited promotion after many years!
Another brother who had debts running into millions because of a failed business eventually got a divine helper from God, and today he is debt-free and now Has successful business in major cities. The late Archbishop Benson Idahosa would always say, “if your faith says yes, God will not say No. “Say to yourself today: “Yes! I have no reason to fear because God is at work.” When God decides to visit a man, the number of years he has spent in a particular situation no longer matters; God will turn it around! PROPERLY ALIGN yourself to today’s prophetic word!
That sickness will not kill you because you are walking out of that sick bed alive. Place your hands on that pain, it has disappeared forever! That delay is over! The people that mock you will celebrate you! That failure is stopping now! Your next result will prove to the world that your God is alive! In that particular situation, the helper you need is locating you before the last day of this year! Shame is over in your life/ministry! You are walking out of that dept!
Daily Manna For Champions 13 October 2018
Before the last day of this year, you will receive the fruit of the womb and people will rejoice with you. I speak life into your business! Negative reports are cancelled! Receive strength spiritually and I decree FRESH FIRE to fall upon your altar.
Never give up! Oh, here St. Jerome: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better and your better best.” Believe and look up daily! You will end 2018 with a shout of VICTORY! Amen and Amen!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory now.
1. YOUR TESTIMONY IS HERE; thank God for today’s word and pray as led.
2. Throughout the day, consciously praise the LORD in advance for what He will do! Daily Manna For Champions 13 October 2018
3. O Lord, I align myself and believe In Your Word and prophet! Plan my dancing party! Pray about today as led now.
4. Do not forget to send in your testimony.
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Ame, thank you lord.
Amen n amen, please Bishop Dr Chris, please help me with breakthrough on my life and my document . I can’t explain everything but support me with prayers. Thanks
Amen..I believe I receive.
Halleluyah to my Jehovah over do