Daily Manna For Champions 18th May ODM 2018 – NOTHING SPOILS

Daily Manna For Champions 18th May ODM 2018


Basic Scriptures: Genesis 22:1-14; 2 Corinthians 4:17

An old story used many years ago is rising up in my spirit concerning today’s devotional encounter! William Sangster (1900-1960), the noted English preacher visited a young girl in the hospital at a time when doctors were battling to keep her from becoming blind. With sadness, she said to him, “God is going to take away my sight.” He listened but at first gave no reply.

Daily Manna For Champions 18th May ODM 2018

Daily Manna For Champions 18th May ODM 2018

Then he answered, “don’t let him, Jessica. Give it to him.” “I don’t understand”, she responded. So he explained, “try to pray this prayer: ‘father if I must lose my sight, help me to give it to you.” Oh! What a school and a lesson! After all your prayers and acts of faith, let God use whatever situation you are in To Glorify himself! Daily Manna For Champions 18th May ODM 2018

Just like Abraham surrendered his precious son Isaac on mount moriah (Gen 22:1-4, so let us pray in whatever situation we are in or passing through thus: “Father, I am not clinging hard to this situation, person, or rich blessing that has temporarily been mine. I am grateful to you for lending me this life that enriches good, but now, am freely giving it to you”.

This devotional does not believe that God is so wicked as to punish his people with sickness, losses or pain, but we do believe that God’s people may pass through some ‘light afflictions’, which worketh for them a far more exceeding and external weight of glory (2cor. 4:17). I repeat again: God is not carnivorous (EATER OF FLESH OR AN ANIMAL THAT EATS OTHER ANIMALS)! He allowed Abraham to go through all the stress of offering Isaac because he had a greater plan.

Daily Manna For Champions 18th May ODM 2018

You are not an exception! No matter what you are allowed to pass through, “our life, family and ministry shall fulfill all of God’s plans for you! I prophecy as i am laid now: “concerning this year 2018, your life and ministry shall be bad news for the devil! Your laughter shall be loud and heard from afar off! Any divinely- allowed pain shall become your ladder of gain, but it shall become the tears and disgrace of your enemies! Yes! You shall not go down or see shame as your last bus-stop in Jesus name! “Amen!

Daily Manna For Champions 18th May ODM 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 2: Blessed Assurance
1. Lord, help me to present my life, career, ministry, school, etc, to you daily.
2. Lord I put my entire family, life, and ministry at the Foot of Your cross. Use EVERYTHING and EVERY EVENT for your glory this year! I cancel TEARS now!
3. Pray about today seriously now.


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Modiroa Elizabeth Mashigo
Modiroa Elizabeth Mashigo
6 years ago

I am daily growing through your teaching. Your prayer points are always arrows that hit the enemy as long as I can have all the amour of God as required. I used your book prayer passport prayer points for my families celebration, thanks God I became relevant and God revealed Himself for the smooth running and success of everything.

Edore Comfort
Edore Comfort
6 years ago

I thank God that I can now connect with ODM online daily. Cos before now I have to go around to look for odm hard copies and I don’t get to buy.
My fellowship with Jesus via d devotional have helped me grow more spiritually and more confident. No matter d situation and what I am going through right now. When I connect with God, I see light in everything. And I believe and trust God dat it will end wt praise for me. In Jesus name amen.
Thank you Bishop the word God is using you to send to us. May he continue to refuel u day by day.

George freeman
6 years ago

I am changed, touched and blessed my your teaching. I am in deed in year of decoration

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