Daily Manna For Champions Today March 2019 Day 23
‘The life of Thomas Aquinas is a school on commitment/being JL focused. The Pocket Oxford Dictionary defines commitment thus: “To pledge or BIND (especially oneself) to a certain cause or policy.” Accordingly, before you are promoted by the supernatural forces to your next level in life, family and ministry, your commitment o your goals will always be tested! By age fourteen, the man Thomas Aquinas was a student at the University of Naples in Italy.
Daily Manna For Champions Today March 2019 Day 23
After a while, he decided to become a Catholic priest, a Dominican; and that was when the forces of promotion tested his commitment. His family met and rolled out various plans to distract him: they I kidnapped him and held him for 15 months hoping that he would be I dissuaded from his goal. The family was wealthy and wanted him j to become a businessman, instead of taking a vow to live in poverty. When the 15-month kidnap I attempt failed, the family then I arranged for a beautiful I prostitute to tempt him!
Again, •the plan failed! Finally, they I offered to PURCHASE FOR HIM, the position of Archbishop of [Naples, a practice called, “INVESTITURE” which was common •with the wealthy in those days. However, because Aquinas understands what it meant to be bound (committed) to a goal or a life’s dream, he turned down that “LUCRATIVE” offer. He went rather to the University of Paris from where his fame rose as the ‘Angelic doctor.” He produced many academic write ups in which [he attempted to reconcile the thoughts of Aristotle and the Bible.
Because he was dedicated and committed to his vision like Elisha [was committed to his dream of a double portion of Elijah’s anointing •despite many frustrating trials, Aquinas’ write ups were branded as Ian ideology: ‘Thomason.” Wonderful! Likewise, in this STORY TO GLORY year 2019, your commitment to your life’s goals will be I rested! Only those who pass the test will be compensated. Note (that Elisha was not asked about the double portion till [he had crossed the Jordan with Elijah!
Daily Manna For Champions Today March 2019 Day 23
What God is telling la user of today’s devotional is that, until you are committed to your [goals, He cannot be committed to you! Even in the heat of life’s [battles, hold on! Men will read of your story and glorify God! I STILL GIVE OUT ODM AS THE BEST GIFT EVER! [Oh! Don’t miss the NEXT BATTLE-AXE INT’L MINISTERS’ [CONFERENCE OF 2019 MARCH 29™ -31s7. 29™ is 6pm.
[30™ are 3 SESSIONS from Sam. 31st is impartation service | Sam! Venue is Manna Mountain OGUDU Orioke Lagos!
PRAYER POINTS: Take to God your best worship song. ODM Hymns 2019
1. Worship the Lord for the privilege of seeing another day.
12. Still pray about your 2019 goals again. Daily Manna For Champions Today March 2019 Day 23 – BIND YOURSELF TO YOUR GOALS!
13. Lord, don’t allow the enemies of my success to REJOICE over me! I determine NEVER to quit trusting You!
14. Pray about today seriously! Cancel a BETRAYAL by a CLOSE
FRIEND! Daily Manna For Champions Today March 2019 Day 23 – BIND YOURSELF TO YOUR GOALS!
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Amen and amen
I really love today’s word. God bless you so much Dr Chris