Our Daily Manna ODM 24 March 2019
Many years ago, a very successful businessman was interviewed by a group of pressmen. The pressmen wanted to know more about the success secrets of this great man. As he spoke, they discovered that the man had seen “hell” (real trouble) and yet he was alive and flourishing. One the pressmen then asked: “How did you overcome so many unbelievable problems to become a great success story?” Hear the answer given by the businessman: “There is really no trick to it.

Our Daily Manna ODM 24 March 2019
There are some troubles that seem so high, you can’t climb over them. There are some troubles that seem too wide, you can’t walk around them. There are some problems too deep you can’t dig under them. But it is then that you know that the only way to beat the problem is to duck your head and wade right through it!” Oh, what an answer and what a word to a troubled soul using today’s devotional. The Lord is telling you: “Stop considering the height, length, depth or breadth of that problem. Make up your mind to wait for Me and wade right through.”
Surely, many times, using your head to imagine how you will get out of certain difficulties can make you run mad. Don’t imagine how you will have a child (children)! Stop imagining how you will get married! Stop brainstorming on how you will overcome any present obstacle challenging/confronting you! The God that did not allow Peter to drown in the sea of life will also make a way for you even at the last minute. Our Daily Manna ODM 24 March 2019 – THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN
Our Daily Manna ODM 24 March 2019
Today’s scripture Vs. 10 says: “Behold your God!” That means, consider the size of your God and not the size of your obstacle/challenge confronting your life! Vs. 17 says “All nations before Him are as nothing…” That means before God, that problem facing you is nothing. No wonder coach Paul “Bear” Bryant told his team: “Don’t give up at half time. Concentrate on winning the second half” and that is what God is telling you. Refuse to quit now! Trust God again and again and again!
Oh! Don’t miss the NEXT BATTLE AXE INT’L MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE OF 2019 MARCH 29™ -31st. 29™ IS 6pm. 30™ are 3 SESSIONS from Sam. 31OT is impartation service Sam! Venue is Manna Mountain OGUDU Orioke Lagos! THEME: “THERE IS A’MOSES’IN EVERY MINISTER!” IT IS A NEW PHASE YOU ARE SOARING INTO! Wowl
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: My faith looks up…
1. Bind frustration and stagnation concerning your life/ministry.
2. In this race of life, ask for the grace to be determined. Bind
discouragement! Pray any other prayer(s) as led. Our Daily Manna ODM 24 March 2019 – THE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN
3. Pray for the elderly and pensioners today worldwide.
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God blesses you beyond measures.
I will never stop trusting you oh Lord my God because, there is absolutely nothing to whom I can compare you to! Vrs 18.