Daily Manna for today May 8th

Daily Manna for today May 8th

Read Our Daily Manna Devotional ODM for today: Topic ( HAPPINESS IS A DECISION)


Yesterdays Devotional focussed on the topic: TURN AROUND AFTER 8 HOURS FIGHT, today Bishop Dr. Chris will share on the topic – Happiness is a decision.  As you study today’s Daily Manna study, may Lord visit you in Jesus name Amen!!

Important Note: As you read have faith, and always cultivate the habit of sharing this devotional with someone. Don’t just read alone, share using the share button under this post and God will decorate your life in Jesus name.



In December 2017, the Nigerian nation, especially the citizens of Imo State, went viral on social media expressing their views over the appointment of one Mrs. Ogechi Ololo, a master’s Degree holder in Computer Science and sister to the governor as “Commissioner of Happiness and couples’ fulfillment” by the State Governor Rochas Okorocha. The Government claimed that the new ministry was initially named, “The ministry of Happiness and Purpose fulfillment” but blamed a typographical error for changing the name from “ministry of Happiness and Purpose fulfillment to ministry of Happiness and couples’ fulfillment.” According to the governor real essence of life is to be happy and to fulfill one’s purpose in life; government officials are elected to address this.” wow! I hate to swim in the waters of politics and whether the amiable governor is right or wrong is NOT or concern in today’s devotional, but the truth is that heaviness/sorrow dries the bones and dries up your destiny (our 2nd scripture)!  However, the big question is: “what is the source of true happiness?  Can a man or government really give you happiness?” WHY DO PEOPLE IN WELL-PLANNED AND WELL-RULED SOCIETIES OF THE WORLD STILL COMMIT SUICIDE? What the Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional is: Don’t depend on ANY MAN, WOMAN, Government, spouse, job, friends, career or business, etc, to be happy!  Your happiness is a DECISION you take to stay POSITIVE despite your many battles! Your happiness is a DECISION you take to stay positive because you know EVERY ALLOWED BATTLE WILL WORK OUT FOR YOUR GOOD AT LAST!

Your happiness is a DECISION you take NEVER to allow DESPERATION because you have decided to stay POSITIVE despite your many battles! Hear dale Carnegie: it isn’t what u have or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy.it what you think about great! Denis Waitley quipped: happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude” GRATITUDE for where you are will provoke the great ATTITUDE of joy! Stop looking at others! Your joy or sorrow depends on you and not the government, economy of your country, your joy, business, spouse, wealth, or financial level, etc.

THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE DON’T HAVE THE BEST OF EVERTHING; THEY JUST MAKE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING! Happy people focus on what is missing! As 2018 marches on, determine that nothing will rob you of a happy life in Christ because DELAY is not denial and your best is yet to come! Prey now!

PRAYER POINT: take song 5: when the morning comes……

  1. Pray about today’s word generally as led!
  2. SORROW DRIES THE BONES and DRIES UP DESTINES! Decree that nothing will rob you of your inner peace/joy this year.
  3. Lord, I reject circumstantial happiness now by fire (pray it seriously).
  4. I decree that from today, I shall receive every minute with LOVE, GRACE and GRATITUDE.
  5. Pray for LEADERS today. Loose vision and purpose now in Jesus name.

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