Daily Manna Today 9th September 2018
There are times in our lives, when God allows your wine to dry up (John 2) even though He is at your party! There are times when God will allow even the brook (the river), and your channel of blessings eg your business, job, etc, which He in the first instance provided, to dry up. Oh!
Daily Manna Today 9th September 2018
There are times when God allows even ordinary water to be scarce in the wilderness! There are seasons when God allows you to have leprosy even though you are a General (2 Kings 5:1) because He has a bigger plan. Why does the LORD allow us to go through problems? There are times when the fish will not enter the net and you struggle ALL NIGHT like Peter did before A NEW DAWN BEGINS! Can God tell Elijah, “Go to the brook Cherith (a river)…” and the same brook dries up? Yes and yes it happened – today’s scripture!
One reason the brook dries up is that God does not want your eyes on the brook, but There are times when God may take away your Moses and hide his body, so that you don’t worship man! Yes! He can make a helper to forget you temporarily because He is a jealous God! Never put your eyes on man! God’s methods/sources of blessings may differ from time to time because He does not want you to create any IDOL in your heart!
Daily Manna Today 9th September 2018
But always remember that in this year 2018, God knows all that you are passing through and He will make a way out,even when the brook dries up or there are needs everywhere! The day you put your eyes on man as your source, that is the day you start writing your obituary! Your faith may not be great, but your God is. Look up to Him alone,and wait upon Him even when the brook dries up. Failure is determined to a large extent by what we allow to happen! Success also, by what we make to happen! ODM Daily 2018
Trust God. Get and give out this ODM Booklet as a SPECIAL GIFT item for weddings, anniversaries, dedications, birthdays, etc, to bless a soul! NEVER MISS AN EDITION! When Life ZIGZAGS, ODM creates SANITY! Daily Manna Today 9th September 2018 – TOPIC: IF THE BROOK DRIES UP
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: My hope is built…
1. Pray about today’s word seriously as led now!
2. Lord, help me to put my eyes on You and not on the brook, men, or my job. Daily Manna Today 9th September 2018
3. Repent from how you have trusted in man, things, and places rather than God in the past.
4. Pray about today and declare your confidence in THE LORD now! See pages 7-9 prayers NOW!
5. There Is Power In Your Mouth! Use the new 2018 PROPHETIC DECLARATION PAGE of this booklet today and DAILY. Daily Manna Today 9th September 2018
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I think you have just written to me today. It seems as if there is no way out for me, but I trust God. As far as He brought the Israelites out of bondage, He will still bring out this situation in a twinkle of an eye. Because the brook has dried on my side.
Your brook is about to spring out living waters that even the gates of hell won’t be able to prevail against. Its a matter of a little while so, just hold on and hold out and the All-sufficient God will see you through. Yea and amen!