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ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris – TOPIC: VANITY: THE DEITY, THE WEALTH AND THE MAN!

ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris



Years ago, the story was told of a Nigerian billionaire by name, the late Mr. Victor Okafor who was so rich that he was given the title ‘Ezego’ meaning King of Money. His mansion in his home town was one of its kind in the 90s and was believed to be worth about 500 million naira (about 1.5 million dollars) then.

ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris

ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris

According to reports, the late billionaire died by a mysterious road accident in December 1999 while returning home for Christmas and celebration of his birthday, leaving behind a mansion worth about 1.5 million dollars, as well as properties abandoned since then. One would think as the custom is in some parts of Nigeria and around the world, that lots of property hijacking and fighting amongst relatives would have taken place after the billionaire’s death in Ihiala town, Anambra State, Nigeria.

But this was not so as the properties belonging to the late billionaire was said to be abandoned over his connection with a dreaded shrine called “Okija shrine!” ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris – TOPIC: VANITY: THE DEITY, THE WEALTH AND THE MAN!

No robber seemed to be interested in touching the building or the amenities it housed, even without security men in sight. All for the fear of being dealt with by the deity assumed to have killed the billionaire! The emphasis and purpose of today’s devotional is not to in any way magnify or exalt the dreaded shrine or deity because it is powerless before your ALMIGHTY GOD and you as His child, but to discourage and emphasize the vanity of ill-gotten wealth and riches.

ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris

What the Holy Ghost is saying in today’s devotional is to remind you that God has promised you wealth and riches but it must be gotten according to His FAVOUR and HIS PLAN for you! Indeed, life is the vanity shop of dusty window shoppers who must go HOME in the evening! Don’t be wealth-crazy this year! Determine to know THE LORD more and more!

Whatever God has programmed and promised you on earth will get to you in His own time! Deut 8: 18: “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth…” Money making is by DIVINE FAVOUR and your determination to BE A SOLUTION to a PROBLEM in your world! As you determine to be a SOLUTION in that area of need, MONEY will rush after you! It is as God blesses whatever you do that you become rich (See Prov. 10: 22).

That is why I have NEVER worked for money AS MY MOTIVE in all my life, even as a Pharmacist! I simply seek to be an ANSWER/SOLUTION and God gives the reward! Be at the next Lagos Anointing service at LEKKI, Saturday September 22nd, 8am. You will discover HOW TO “SEDUCE” AND “ENTICE” MONEY! Get ready! ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris

PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of worship to God.
1. . Repent from all forms of financial irregularities in your job/office now. GOD IS WATCHING! Pray about today NOW! ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris

2. . LORD, SHOW ME AREAS OF NEED in my generation and MAKE ME A SOLUTION (Pray it for
3 days seriously and share with me what you have started via This is your year! ODM Daily Reading September 10 2018 By Bishop Chris

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Grace Phiri
Grace Phiri
6 years ago


Kate Ogbonna
Kate Ogbonna
6 years ago

ODM has made me to understand so many things about life much more than I use to know, I and my husband we always partake in open of the Year fasting (21 days) and July (14 days) and other programs too we always sow our seed Jan & July but I have not begin at Lagos mountain due to family things but I discover Port Harcourt mountain which I have been glad to join. But since the year 2016 things are not what is suppose to be to us my husband lost his Joy with malt national company my he has not found new job, I got pregnant since that year 2016 Oct am still pregnant spotting blood every month, people who knew the way I carry ODM laugh at me now some speak mocker way to me. my children can not go to school this term because school fees has not been paid. I need mercy & speed from the Lord.

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