Daily Manna February 18 2018
There is what is called, Folie de grandeur (The stupidity of greatness). It is also defined
as the delusion of greatness or megalomania! Oh, this big word: MEGALOMANIA! It
was first used in 1885 and simply means a deceitful mental illness that is marked by
feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur!
Daily Manna February 18 2018
MAEGALOMANIA is the belief that you
are more powerful or richer and important than you really are! It is sometimes a mental
illness! It is a crazy hunger for power and wealth and a passion for grand scheme!
Sadly FOLIE DE GRANDEUR (stupidity of greatness) and MEGALOMANIA are evil twin
you must run from in 2018! Don’t allow them to rob you of a wonderful life this year!
They are satanic properties classified as PRIDE! Resist them because what you call
GREATNESS could be stupid.
And you must determine to conduct a new wedding to
HUMILITY! Yes! You must marry HUMILITY again this early year! Many believers’
homes, local churches or place of work, have lost their sense of modesty and they think
MORE HIGHLY of themselves than they ought to! Such a person could be under a
demonic attack or suffering from a mental illness! Can you imagine that after the terrible
things that Ahab and Jezebel did to Naboth, which also angered God so much that He
(God) had to send Elijah to King Ahab, a simple show of humility before God through
fasting And praying in this case change the mind of God? Daily Manna February 18 2018
Remember that God did a
similar thing to David when he sinned and prayed Psalm 51. HUMILITY before God and
man is a spring board for anyone who desires to be at the top in life and ministry! That
God did the same for Ahab, for whom the bible shows no evidence of God’s love (the
bible shows evidence of God’s love for David on the other hand).This proves two points:
1 . That Peter in Cornelius’ home said, God has no favorites. Anyone who fears
HIM and does HIS will is acceptable to him. 2. That humility has a special power for
obtaining things and favour from God and the obvious reason is that in humility, God
sees Himself! No wonder Jesus said in Mathew 11:29…Learn from me for I am meek
and humble in heart and you will finds rest for your souls. You can’t sweep people off
their feet, if you can’t be swept off your own! Deliberately practice humility as you
pursue greatness/decoration this year. Always remember FOLIE DE GRANDEUR and
MEGALOMANIA. Daily Manna February 18 2018
Greatness, power and riches can be stupid and vain! Learn and stay
humble! This is your year via humility!
If you need deliverance, see your pastor or be at the Manna Mountain any Sunday 8am
(OGUDU) or 8am & 10am (LEKKI). One-on- one at LEKKI this week!
Take song 5: When the roll……
1. All flesh is dust. Therefore I reject pride in Jesus name.
ASSIGNMENT: Why did k8ing Nebuchadnezzar crawl in the forest for 7 years?
Daily Manna February 18 2018
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