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Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 February 2018

Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 February 2018



Basic Scripture: 1 Kings 10: 1-10

There was a worldwide cry, when the Zimbabwean president, Robert Mugabe, accused of ethnic cleansing and putting his country in a state of bankruptcy, was asked to champion tourism by the United Nations in late 2017!  Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 February 2018


Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 February 2018

SELDOM has there been such anger or questioning of the organization credibility, as that which greeted the appointment Mugabe as an international ambassador for tourism! With a line-up of tourism ambassador which included Drew Barrymore, David Beckham, Orlando Bloom, Ricky Martin and many ex-presidents, that UN’s choice of ambassador was rejected! Robert Mugabe is under international sanction, so how can you have an international tourism ambassador who can’t travel to other countries?

Our Daily Manna 16 February 2018

Note that tourism means visiting places of interest for pleasure. So what the Holy Ghost is saying to you is this: In this year 2018, Jehovah God has appointed again as His TOURISM AMBASSADOR! God will do a work in you that will turn you into a great tourist attraction for your neighborhood, city, nation and generation!

ODM 2018 Prayer points

The time will come when people will leave thousands of kilometers and fly across many oceans and nations just to see you because you will be greatly DECORATED! You are a VIP to God! Good has deposited gifts in you, which this world will search for to discover1 God announced Solomon to the queen of Sheba (today’s bible scripture). People crossed many cities just to see Lazarus (see John 12:9)! He moved from death to dancing!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 17 February 2018

He became a celebrity and a tourist attraction! That will be your story this year! Never allow your lifestyle to bring shame to your God! Don’t let people protest that you are a child of God as they did in Mugabe’s case! No matter what you and your family are going through or at what level of life you are in now, for with God nothing shall be impossible! I just heard this: God is about to announce your life, family, business and ministry this year in Jesus name! Amen!

Our Daily Manna Basic Scriptures

The ASABA SPECIAL ANNOINTING SERVICE continues today Saturday 17th, Time: 8am.Theme is: HERO TO ZERO ARROW: RETURN TO SENDER! Venue is the CENOTAPH. I shall lay hands on everyone as an AGREEMENT PRAYER to begin the year! Call 08034907299 or 08033461818 for details. War gainst Haman-13 2018

PRAYER POINTS: Take song 2: My hope is built…..
God of David, Solomon and Lazarus, turn me into a tourist attraction this year! Advertise my life and ministry this year (pray it 21 times). Our Daily Manna January to March 2018
I shall shine wonderfully in my neighborhood and nation. Nothing shall dim my brightness in Jesus name.
Declare this boldly: God is announcing and decorating me this year! My best is yet to come! I refuse to quit now!

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