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Declarations and Prayer Points for July 2024

Declarations and Prayer Points for July 2024

Prayer point for today
Prayer point for today
Here are some powerful declarations and prayer points for July 2024:
  1. Victory and Dominion: “I declare that this month of July, I shall experience victory in every aspect of my life. I shall dominate over every challenge, and my triumph shall be evident to all. I am a conqueror, and my victory is assured!”
  2. Abundant Blessings: “I declare that July shall be a month of overflowing blessings. I shall receive abundance in every area, and my cup shall run over. God’s favor and grace shall surround me!”
  3. Good Health and Strength: “I declare that this month, I shall enjoy perfect health and vitality. My body shall be strong, and my spirit shall be renewed. I am healed, and I am whole!”
  4. Wisdom and Guidance: “I declare that July shall be a month of divine guidance. I shall receive wisdom and insight to navigate every situation, and the Holy Spirit shall be my constant companion!”
  5. Peace and Protection: “I declare that this month, I shall dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I shall be shielded from harm, and God’s peace shall be my portion. I am safe in His loving care!”
Prayer Points:
  1. Renewal and Revival: “Oh Lord, renew my spirit and revive my heart. Let Your presence fill me, and Your love surround me. Breathe new life into my soul, and let me be a vessel for Your glory!”
  2. Breakthrough and Miracles: “Father, I ask for breakthroughs in every area of my life. Let Your mighty hand move on my behalf, and let me experience miracles that will glorify Your name!”
  3. Favor and Open Doors: “Lord, grant me favor with men and open doors of opportunity. Let Your grace precede me, and let my path be lit with Your guidance!”
  4. Protection from Evil: “Oh God, keep me safe from the snares of the enemy. Protect me from harm, and let Your angels watch over me. I am under Your covering, and I am secure!”
  5. Anointing and Empowerment: “Father, anoint me with Your Holy Spirit. Empower me to live a life that honors You, and let Your power flow through me to touch the lives of others!”
May these declarations and prayer points guide you in your spiritual journey throughout the month of July. May God’s blessings, favor, and grace be upon you!


  1. Declaration of Divine Favor:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am a recipient of God’s divine favor. In July 2024, doors of unprecedented opportunities and blessings will open for me. The favor of God surrounds me like a shield, and I walk in His grace and mercy every day.
    • Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, I pray that Your divine favor will locate me and my family throughout this month. Let Your favor distinguish us and bring us into places of honor and promotion. May Your grace go before us and make every crooked path straight in Jesus’ name. Amen.
  2. Declaration of Supernatural Provision:
    • Declaration: I declare that God is my provider, and in July 2024, I shall lack nothing. All my needs are met according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. I walk in abundance and prosperity.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, I ask for Your supernatural provision in every area of my life. Let there be no lack in my home. Open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings that I will not have room enough to receive. Supply all my needs and enable me to be a blessing to others. Amen.
  3. Declaration of Divine Health:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am in perfect health throughout July 2024. No sickness or disease shall come near my dwelling. By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed and whole.
    • Prayer Point: Father, I pray for divine health and healing. Strengthen my body, mind, and spirit. Let Your healing power flow through me and remove every trace of sickness. I declare that I am strong and healthy, and I will fulfill my days in good health. Amen.
  4. Declaration of Spiritual Growth:
    • Declaration: I declare that in July 2024, I will grow spiritually. My relationship with God will deepen, and I will experience new levels of intimacy with Him. I am rooted and grounded in His love.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, draw me closer to You. Let my spiritual life flourish and grow. Fill me with a hunger and thirst for Your Word and Your presence. Empower me by Your Spirit to live a life that is pleasing to You. Amen.
  5. Declaration of Protection:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am protected by the Lord. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. In July 2024, the Lord’s angels encamp around me and my loved ones, keeping us safe from all harm.
    • Prayer Point: Father, I pray for Your divine protection over my life and family. Cover us with Your wings and keep us safe from all forms of evil, danger, and harm. Let Your angels guard us in all our ways. Amen.
  6. Declaration of Wisdom:
    • Declaration: I declare that I walk in divine wisdom throughout July 2024. The Spirit of wisdom and understanding rests upon me, guiding my decisions and actions.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, grant me Your wisdom. Help me to make wise choices and decisions that align with Your will. Fill me with understanding and insight in all matters. Let Your wisdom guide my steps and lead me to success. Amen.
  7. Declaration of Financial Breakthrough:
    • Declaration: I declare that July 2024 is my month of financial breakthrough. I am blessed financially, and I am a good steward of the resources God has entrusted to me.
    • Prayer Point: Father, I pray for financial breakthrough. Open the doors of financial opportunities and blessings. Bless the work of my hands and cause me to prosper. Give me the wisdom to manage my finances effectively. Amen.
  8. Declaration of Joy and Peace:
    • Declaration: I declare that my heart is filled with the joy and peace of the Lord. In July 2024, I will experience God’s joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, fill my heart with Your joy and peace. Let Your peace rule in my heart and mind, regardless of circumstances. Help me to find joy in Your presence and to remain joyful in all situations. Amen.
  9. Declaration of Family Unity:
    • Declaration: I declare that my family is united in love and harmony. In July 2024, we will experience greater unity, understanding, and love among ourselves.
    • Prayer Point: Father, I pray for unity in my family. Bind us together with cords of love that cannot be broken. Help us to live in harmony and understanding. Let Your love be the foundation of our relationships. Amen.
  10. Declaration of Victory:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am victorious in all areas of my life. In July 2024, I will overcome every challenge and obstacle by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, I claim victory over every situation in my life. Empower me by Your Spirit to overcome challenges and obstacles. Let Your power work in and through me to achieve great things. Amen.


  1. Declaration of Divine Guidance:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am led by the Holy Spirit. In July 2024, I will receive clear guidance and direction in all my endeavors.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, lead me by Your Spirit. Guide my steps and direct my paths. Help me to hear Your voice clearly and to follow Your leading. Amen.
  2. Declaration of Favor in the Workplace:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am favored in my workplace. In July 2024, I will excel and be recognized for my hard work and dedication.
    • Prayer Point: Father, I pray for favor in my workplace. Let my efforts be recognized and rewarded. Grant me wisdom, creativity, and diligence in all that I do. Amen.
  3. Declaration of Divine Connections:
    • Declaration: I declare that in July 2024, I will encounter divine connections and destiny helpers who will support and uplift me.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, bring the right people into my life who will help me fulfill my destiny. Remove any negative influences and surround me with those who will encourage and support me. Amen.
  4. Declaration of Breakthrough in Ministry:
    • Declaration: I declare that my ministry will experience supernatural growth and breakthrough in July 2024. The power of God will manifest mightily.
    • Prayer Point: Father, I pray for breakthrough in my ministry. Let Your power and presence be evident. Use me to reach and impact lives for Your glory. Amen.
  5. Declaration of Uncommon Favor:
    • Declaration: I declare that I will experience uncommon favor in July 2024. The favor of God will distinguish me in every area of my life.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, let Your uncommon favor rest upon me. Open doors that no man can shut and bring me into places of honor and blessing. Amen.
  6. Declaration of Fruitfulness:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am fruitful in every area of my life. In July 2024, I will see the fruit of my labor and efforts.
    • Prayer Point: Father, I pray for fruitfulness in my life. Bless the work of my hands and let me see the results of my efforts. Make me fruitful in every good work. Amen.
  7. Declaration of God’s Presence:
    • Declaration: I declare that the presence of God goes with me everywhere I go in July 2024. I am never alone, for He is always with me.
    • Prayer Point: Lord, let Your presence be with me always. Fill me with Your Spirit and let me experience Your nearness every day. Amen.
  8. Declaration of Courage:
    • Declaration: I declare that I am courageous and bold. In July 2024, I will face every challenge with confidence and faith in God.
    • Prayer Point: Father, fill me with courage and boldness. Help me to face every situation with confidence in You. Strengthen my faith and resolve. Amen.
  9. Declaration of Restoration:
    • Declaration: I declare that everything that was lost or stolen from me will be restored in July 2024


  1. Divine Favor: I declare that in this month of July 2024, I will experience unprecedented favor in every area of my life. Doors that were once closed will be opened, and I will walk in the fullness of God’s blessings.
  2. Spiritual Growth: I declare that my spiritual life will reach new heights this month. I will draw closer to God, and my relationship with Him will deepen, leading to greater revelation and wisdom.
  3. Health and Healing: I declare that I am healed and whole in Jesus’ name. Every sickness and infirmity in my body is gone, and I walk in divine health.
  4. Financial Breakthrough: I declare that financial abundance is my portion this month. Every financial need is met, and I will have more than enough to bless others.
  5. Family Restoration: I declare that my family will experience peace, love, and unity. Every broken relationship is restored, and we will grow stronger together.
  6. Protection: I declare that I am protected under the shadow of the Almighty. No harm will come near me or my loved ones.
  7. Wisdom and Understanding: I declare that I have the mind of Christ. I will make wise decisions, and my actions will be guided by divine understanding.
  8. Success in Endeavors: I declare that everything I put my hands to will prosper. I will excel in my career, studies, and all my endeavors.
  9. Overcoming Challenges: I declare that I am more than a conqueror. No challenge or obstacle can defeat me because God is with me.
  10. Peace and Joy: I declare that I will walk in peace and joy this month. The joy of the Lord is my strength, and I will not be shaken by circumstances.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for Divine Favor: Heavenly Father, I pray for Your divine favor to manifest in my life this month. Let doors of opportunities open for me, and let Your favor speak for me in places where my name is mentioned.
  2. Prayer for Spiritual Growth: Lord, draw me closer to You this month. Help me to grow in my relationship with You, to know You more, and to live a life that is pleasing to You.
  3. Prayer for Health and Healing: Father, I pray for Your healing touch upon my body. I rebuke every form of sickness and disease, and I declare that I am healed in Jesus’ name.
  4. Prayer for Financial Breakthrough: Lord, I pray for a financial breakthrough this month. Provide for all my needs according to Your riches in glory, and help me to be a blessing to others.
  5. Prayer for Family Restoration: Heavenly Father, I pray for peace and unity in my family. Heal every broken relationship and help us to grow in love and understanding.
  6. Prayer for Protection: Lord, I pray for Your protection over me and my loved ones. Keep us safe from harm and danger, and surround us with Your angels.
  7. Prayer for Wisdom and Understanding: Father, grant me wisdom and understanding in all my decisions. Help me to discern Your will and to act according to Your guidance.
  8. Prayer for Success in Endeavors: Lord, I commit my career, studies, and all my endeavors into Your hands. Grant me success and help me to excel in all that I do.
  9. Prayer for Overcoming Challenges: Heavenly Father, give me the strength to overcome every challenge and obstacle that comes my way. Help me to stand firm in my faith and to trust in Your power.
  10. Prayer for Peace and Joy: Lord, fill my heart with Your peace and joy. Help me to remain joyful and at peace regardless of my circumstances.


  1. Declaration of Strength: I declare that I have the strength of the Lord. I will not grow weary or faint but will rise on wings like eagles.
  2. Declaration of Provision: I declare that my God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. I lack nothing because the Lord is my Shepherd.
  3. Declaration of Victory: I declare that I am victorious in every battle. The Lord fights for me, and I will hold my peace.
  4. Declaration of Faith: I declare that my faith is strong and unshakeable. I believe in God’s promises, and I trust in His word.
  5. Declaration of Grace: I declare that God’s grace is sufficient for me. His power is made perfect in my weakness.
  6. Declaration of Love: I declare that I will walk in love. I will love my neighbors as myself and show kindness and compassion to all.
  7. Declaration of Purpose: I declare that I will fulfill my God-given purpose. I am created for good works, and I will walk in them.
  8. Declaration of Revival: I declare that revival will break out in my life, my family, and my community. The fire of the Holy Spirit will burn brightly.
  9. Declaration of Joy: I declare that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I will rejoice in the Lord always, and His joy will be my strength.
  10. Declaration of Peace: I declare that I will walk in peace. The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for Strength: Lord, strengthen me for the journey ahead. Help me to rely on Your strength and not my own.
  2. Prayer for Provision: Heavenly Father, provide for all my needs. Open the windows of heaven and pour out Your blessings upon me.
  3. Prayer for Victory: Lord, grant me victory in every battle I face. Fight for me and deliver me from all my enemies.
  4. Prayer for Faith: Father, increase my faith. Help me to trust in Your promises and to stand firm in my belief.
  5. Prayer for Grace: Lord, I pray for Your grace to abound in my life. Let Your grace empower me to live a godly life.
  6. Prayer for Love: Father, fill my heart with Your love. Help me to love others as You have loved me.
  7. Prayer for Purpose: Lord, reveal Your purpose for my life. Help me to walk in the good works You have prepared for me.
  8. Prayer for Revival: Heavenly Father, send revival to my life, my family, and my community. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn brightly.
  9. Prayer for Joy: Lord, fill my heart with Your joy. Help me to rejoice in You always, regardless of my circumstances.
  10. Prayer for Peace: Father, grant me Your peace that transcends all understanding. Let Your peace guard my heart and mind.


  1. Declaration of Faithfulness: I declare that I will be faithful to God in all things. I will serve Him with all my heart, mind, and strength.
  2. Declaration of Generosity: I declare that I will be generous. I will give freely and cheerfully, knowing that God loves a cheerful giver.
  3. Declaration of Obedience: I declare that I will obey God’s commands. I will walk in His ways and follow His statutes.
  4. Declaration of Compassion: I declare that I will show compassion to those in need. I will be a beacon of God’s love and mercy.
  5. Declaration of Courage: I declare that I will be strong and courageous. I will not fear, for the Lord is with me wherever I go.
  6. Declaration of Integrity: I declare that I will walk in integrity. I will be honest and upright in all my dealings.
  7. Declaration of Humility: I declare that I will humble myself before the Lord. I will seek His will and submit to His authority.
  8. Declaration of Hope: I declare that my hope is in the Lord. I will not be discouraged, for I know that God has a good plan for my life.
  9. Declaration of Freedom: I declare that I am free in Christ. I am no longer a slave to sin but a child of God.
  10. Declaration of Protection: I declare that I am protected by the Lord. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for Faithfulness: Lord, help me to be faithful in all things. Strengthen my commitment to serve You wholeheartedly.
  2. Prayer for Generosity: Father, give me a generous heart. Help me to give freely and cheerfully, knowing that You bless those who give.
  3. Prayer for Obedience: Lord, help me to obey Your commands. Teach me to walk in Your ways and to follow Your statutes.
  4. Prayer for Compassion: Father, fill my heart with compassion. Help me to show love and mercy to those in need.
  5. Prayer for Courage: Lord, grant me courage and strength. Help me to face my fears and to trust in Your presence.
  6. Prayer for Integrity: Father, help me to walk in integrity. Give me the strength to be honest and upright in all my dealings.
  7. Prayer for Humility: Lord, teach me to humble myself before You. Help me to seek Your will and to submit to Your authority.
  8. Prayer for Hope: Father, fill my heart with hope. Help me to trust in Your plans and to hold on to Your promises.
  9. Prayer for Freedom: Lord, thank You for setting me free. Help me to live in the freedom You have given me and to reject the lies of the enemy.
  10. Prayer for Protection: Father, protect me and my loved ones. Surround us with Your angels and keep us safe from harm.


  1. Declaration of Prosperity: I declare that I will prosper in all things. I will have success in my work, relationships, and spiritual life.
  2. Declaration of Peace of Mind: I declare that I have peace of mind. I will not be anxious or worried, for God is in control.
  3. Declaration of Patience: I declare that I will be patient. I will wait on the Lord and trust in His timing.
  4. Declaration of Kindness: I declare that I will show kindness to others. I will be a reflection of God’s love and goodness.
  5. Declaration of Self-Control: I declare that I will exercise self-control. I will not be led by my emotions but by the Spirit of God.
  6. Declaration of Joyful Giving: I declare that I will give joyfully. I will be a cheerful giver, knowing that God loves a cheerful giver.
  7. Declaration of Contentment: I declare that I will be content. I will be satisfied with what God has given me and trust in His provision.
  8. Declaration of Gratitude: I declare that I will be grateful. I will give thanks in all circumstances, knowing that God is good.
  9. Declaration of Faithfulness in Prayer: I declare that I will be faithful in prayer. I will pray without ceasing and seek God’s face continually.
  10. Declaration of Witness: I declare that I will be a witness for Christ. I will share the gospel and make disciples of all nations.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for Prosperity: Lord, prosper me in all things. Bless my work, relationships, and spiritual life.
  2. Prayer for Peace of Mind: Father, grant me peace of mind. Help me to trust in Your control and not be anxious or worried.
  3. Prayer for Patience: Lord, help me to be patient. Teach me to wait on You and to trust in Your timing.
  4. Prayer for Kindness: Father, fill my heart with kindness. Help me to show love and goodness to others.
  5. Prayer for Self-Control: Lord, grant me self-control. Help me to be led by Your Spirit and not by my emotions.
  6. Prayer for Joyful Giving: Father, give me a joyful heart in giving. Help me to be a cheerful giver, knowing that You bless those who give.
  7. Prayer for Contentment: Lord, teach me to be content. Help me to be satisfied with what You have given me and to trust in Your provision.
  8. Prayer for Gratitude: Father, fill my heart with gratitude. Help me to give thanks in all circumstances, knowing that You are good.
  9. Prayer for Faithfulness in Prayer: Lord, help me to be faithful in prayer. Teach me to pray without ceasing and to seek Your face continually.
  10. Prayer for Witness: Father, make me a witness for Christ. Help me to share the gospel and to make disciples of all nations.


  1. Declaration of God’s Guidance: I declare that I will be guided by the Lord. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
  2. Declaration of God’s Presence: I declare that God’s presence is with me always. I will never be alone, for He is with me.
  3. Declaration of Boldness: I declare that I will be bold and courageous. I will not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength.
  4. Declaration of God’s Faithfulness: I declare that God is faithful. He will fulfill His promises to me and never leave me nor forsake me.
  5. Declaration of God’s Love: I declare that I am loved by God. Nothing can separate me from His love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  6. Declaration of Victory Over Sin: I declare that I have victory over sin. I am no longer a slave to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
  7. Declaration of God’s Provision: I declare that God will provide for all my needs. He is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.
  8. Declaration of God’s Strength: I declare that I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  9. Declaration of God’s Peace: I declare that I have God’s peace, which transcends all understanding. It will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  10. Declaration of God’s Joy: I declare that I have the joy of the Lord, which is my strength. I will rejoice in the Lord always.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for God’s Guidance: Lord, guide me in all my ways. Let Your word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
  2. Prayer for God’s Presence: Father, let Your presence be with me always. Help me to remember that I am never alone, for You are with me.
  3. Prayer for Boldness: Lord, grant me boldness and courage. Help me to be strong and not afraid, for You are my strength.
  4. Prayer for God’s Faithfulness: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Help me to trust in Your promises and to know that You will never leave me nor forsake me.
  5. Prayer for God’s Love: Lord, thank You for Your love. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  6. Prayer for Victory Over Sin: Father, grant me victory over sin. Help me to live as one who is alive to God in Christ Jesus and no longer a slave to sin.
  7. Prayer for God’s Provision: Lord, provide for all my needs. Help me to trust in You as my Shepherd, knowing that I shall not want.
  8. Prayer for God’s Strength: Father, strengthen me in the Lord and in the power of His might. Help me to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  9. Prayer for God’s Peace: Lord, grant me Your peace, which transcends all understanding. Let it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  10. Prayer for God’s Joy: Father, fill my heart with Your joy. Help me to rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that Your joy is my strength.


  1. Declaration of Spiritual Growth: I declare that I will grow spiritually this month. I will draw closer to God and deepen my relationship with Him.
  2. Declaration of God’s Mercy: I declare that God’s mercy is new every morning. I will walk in His mercy and grace each day.
  3. Declaration of God’s Blessings: I declare that I am blessed and highly favored. God’s blessings will overtake me and my family.
  4. Declaration of God’s Promises: I declare that all of God’s promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. I will stand on His promises and see them fulfilled in my life.
  5. Declaration of God’s Faithfulness: I declare that God is faithful. He will fulfill His word and bring His promises to pass in my life.
  6. Declaration of God’s Grace: I declare that God’s grace is sufficient for me. His power is made perfect in my weakness.
  7. Declaration of God’s Love: I declare that I am loved by God. Nothing can separate me from His love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  8. Declaration of Victory Over Fear: I declare that I have victory over fear. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  9. Declaration of God’s Wisdom: I declare that I have God’s wisdom. I will make wise decisions and walk in His understanding.
  10. Declaration of God’s Peace: I declare that I have God’s peace, which transcends all understanding. It will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for Spiritual Growth: Lord, help me to grow spiritually this month. Draw me closer to You and deepen my relationship with You.
  2. Prayer for God’s Mercy: Father, thank You for Your mercy, which is new every morning. Help me to walk in Your mercy and grace each day.
  3. Prayer for God’s Blessings: Lord, bless me and my family. Let Your blessings overtake us and be evident in our lives.
  4. Prayer for God’s Promises: Father, help me to stand on Your promises. Let them be fulfilled in my life, for all Your promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.
  5. Prayer for God’s Faithfulness: Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness. Help me to trust in Your word and to know that You will fulfill Your promises.
  6. Prayer for God’s Grace: Father, grant me Your grace, which is sufficient for me. Let Your power be made perfect in my weakness.
  7. Prayer for God’s Love: Lord, thank You for Your love. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  8. Prayer for Victory Over Fear: Father, grant me victory over fear. Help me to remember that You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  9. Prayer for God’s Wisdom: Lord, grant me Your wisdom. Help me to make wise decisions and to walk in Your understanding.
  10. Prayer for God’s Peace: Father, grant me Your peace, which transcends all understanding. Let it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.


  1. Declaration of God’s Protection: I declare that I am protected by the Lord. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
  2. Declaration of God’s Provision: I declare that God will provide for all my needs. He is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.
  3. Declaration of God’s Strength: I declare that I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  4. Declaration of God’s Peace: I declare that I have God’s peace, which transcends all understanding. It will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  5. Declaration of God’s Joy: I declare that I have the joy of the Lord, which is my strength. I will rejoice in the Lord always.
  6. Declaration of God’s Faithfulness: I declare that God is faithful. He will fulfill His word and bring His promises to pass in my life.
  7. Declaration of God’s Grace: I declare that God’s grace is sufficient for me. His power is made perfect in my weakness.
  8. Declaration of God’s Love: I declare that I am loved by God. Nothing can separate me from His love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  9. Declaration of Victory Over Fear: I declare that I have victory over fear. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  10. Declaration of God’s Wisdom: I declare that I have God’s wisdom. I will make wise decisions and walk in His understanding.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for God’s Protection: Lord, protect me and my loved ones. Surround us with Your angels and keep us safe from harm.
  2. Prayer for God’s Provision: Father, provide for all my needs. Help me to trust in You as my Shepherd, knowing that I shall not want.
  3. Prayer for God’s Strength: Lord, strengthen me in the Lord and in the power of His might. Help me to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  4. Prayer for God’s Peace: Father, grant me Your peace, which transcends all understanding. Let it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  5. Prayer for God’s Joy: Lord, fill my heart with Your joy. Help me to rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that Your joy is my strength.
  6. Prayer for God’s Faithfulness: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Help me to trust in Your word and to know that You will fulfill Your promises.
  7. Prayer for God’s Grace: Lord, grant me Your grace, which is sufficient for me. Let Your power be made perfect in my weakness.
  8. Prayer for God’s Love: Father, thank You for Your love. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  9. Prayer for Victory Over Fear: Lord, grant me victory over fear. Help me to remember that You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  10. Prayer for God’s Wisdom: Father, grant me Your wisdom. Help me to make wise decisions and to walk in Your understanding.


  1. Declaration of God’s Favor: I declare that I will experience God’s favor in every area of my life. His favor surrounds me as a shield.
  2. Declaration of God’s Healing: I declare that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. Every sickness and infirmity in my body is gone.
  3. Declaration of God’s Provision: I declare that God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. I lack nothing because the Lord is my Shepherd.
  4. Declaration of God’s Guidance: I declare that I will be guided by the Lord. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
  5. Declaration of God’s Strength: I declare that I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  6. Declaration of God’s Peace: I declare that I have God’s peace, which transcends all understanding. It will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  7. Declaration of God’s Joy: I declare that I have the joy of the Lord, which is my strength. I will rejoice in the Lord always.
  8. Declaration of God’s Faithfulness: I declare that God is faithful. He will fulfill His word and bring His promises to pass in my life.
  9. Declaration of God’s Grace: I declare that God’s grace is sufficient for me. His power is made perfect in my weakness.
  10. Declaration of God’s Love: I declare that I am loved by God. Nothing can separate me from His love, which is in Christ Jesus.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for God’s Favor: Lord, let Your favor surround me as a shield. Help me to experience Your favor in every area of my life.
  2. Prayer for God’s Healing: Father, thank You for Your healing power. Heal me of every sickness and infirmity in my body.
  3. Prayer for God’s Provision: Lord, provide for all my needs. Help me to trust in You as my Shepherd, knowing that I shall not want.
  4. Prayer for God’s Guidance: Father, guide me in all my ways. Let Your word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
  5. Prayer for God’s Strength: Lord, strengthen me in the Lord and in the power of His might. Help me to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  6. Prayer for God’s Peace: Father, grant me Your peace, which transcends all understanding. Let it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  7. Prayer for God’s Joy: Lord, fill my heart with Your joy. Help me to rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that Your joy is my strength.
  8. Prayer for God’s Faithfulness: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Help me to trust in Your word and to know that You will fulfill Your promises.
  9. Prayer for God’s Grace: Lord, grant me Your grace, which is sufficient for me. Let Your power be made perfect in my weakness.
  10. Prayer for God’s Love: Father, thank You for Your love. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love, which is in Christ Jesus.


  1. Declaration of God’s Protection: I declare that I am protected by the Lord. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
  2. Declaration of God’s Provision: I declare that God will provide for all my needs. He is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.
  3. Declaration of God’s Strength: I declare that I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  4. Declaration of God’s Peace: I declare that I have God’s peace, which transcends all understanding. It will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  5. Declaration of God’s Joy: I declare that I have the joy of the Lord, which is my strength. I will rejoice in the Lord always.
  6. Declaration of God’s Faithfulness: I declare that God is faithful. He will fulfill His word and bring His promises to pass in my life.
  7. Declaration of God’s Grace: I declare that God’s grace is sufficient for me. His power is made perfect in my weakness.
  8. Declaration of God’s Love: I declare that I am loved by God. Nothing can separate me from His love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  9. Declaration of Victory Over Fear: I declare that I have victory over fear. God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  10. Declaration of God’s Wisdom: I declare that I have God’s wisdom. I will make wise decisions and walk in His understanding.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for God’s Protection: Lord, protect me and my loved ones. Surround us with Your angels and keep us safe from harm.
  2. Prayer for God’s Provision: Father, provide for all my needs. Help me to trust in You as my Shepherd, knowing that I shall not want.
  3. Prayer for God’s Strength: Lord, strengthen me in the Lord and in the power of His might. Help me to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  4. Prayer for God’s Peace: Father, grant me Your peace, which transcends all understanding. Let it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  5. Prayer for God’s Joy: Lord, fill my heart with Your joy. Help me to rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that Your joy is my strength.
  6. Prayer for God’s Faithfulness: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Help me to trust in Your word and to know that You will fulfill Your promises.
  7. Prayer for God’s Grace: Lord, grant me Your grace, which is sufficient for me. Let Your power be made perfect in my weakness.
  8. Prayer for God’s Love: Father, thank You for Your love. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  9. Prayer for Victory Over Fear: Lord, grant me victory over fear. Help me to remember that You have not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  10. Prayer for God’s Wisdom: Father, grant me Your wisdom. Help me to make wise decisions and to walk in Your understanding.


  1. Declaration of God’s Guidance: I declare that I will be guided by the Lord. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
  2. Declaration of God’s Presence: I declare that God’s presence is with me always. I will never be alone, for He is with me.
  3. Declaration of Boldness: I declare that I will be bold and courageous. I will not be afraid, for the Lord is my strength.
  4. Declaration of God’s Faithfulness: I declare that God is faithful. He will fulfill His promises to me and never leave me nor forsake me.
  5. Declaration of God’s Love: I declare that I am loved by God. Nothing can separate me from His love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  6. Declaration of Victory Over Sin: I declare that I have victory over sin. I am no longer a slave to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
  7. Declaration of God’s Provision: I declare that God will provide for all my needs. He is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.
  8. Declaration of God’s Strength: I declare that I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  9. Declaration of God’s Peace: I declare that I have God’s peace, which transcends all understanding. It will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  10. Declaration of God’s Joy: I declare that I have the joy of the Lord, which is my strength. I will rejoice in the Lord always.

Prayer Points

  1. Prayer for God’s Guidance: Lord, guide me in all my ways. Let Your word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
  2. Prayer for God’s Presence: Father, let Your presence be with me always. Help me to remember that I am never alone, for You are with me.
  3. Prayer for Boldness: Lord, grant me boldness and courage. Help me to be strong and not afraid, for You are my strength.
  4. Prayer for God’s Faithfulness: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Help me to trust in Your promises and to know that You will never leave me nor forsake me.
  5. Prayer for God’s Love: Lord, thank You for Your love. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from Your love, which is in Christ Jesus.
  6. Prayer for Victory Over Sin: Father, grant me victory over sin. Help me to live as one who is alive to God in Christ Jesus and no longer a slave to sin.
  7. Prayer for God’s Provision: Lord, provide for all my needs. Help me to trust in You as my Shepherd, knowing that I shall not want.
  8. Prayer for God’s Strength: Father, strengthen me in the Lord and in the power of His might. Help me to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
  9. Prayer for God’s Peace: Lord, grant me Your peace, which transcends all understanding. Let it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
  10. Prayer for God’s Joy: Father, fill my heart with Your joy. Help me to rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that Your joy is my strength.

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Connie Bukachi
Connie Bukachi
3 months ago

Amen 🙏 Powerful prayer points. Am grateful that God took me direct to your site.

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