Good News: “October Will Obey The Voice Of God For You!!

Good News: “October Will Obey The Voice Of God For You!!

Today’s business world is far different from the kind of business that God does. When God does business, He doesn’t work on credit. The Bible says that with the precious blood of Jesus, He purchased us and made us His own special possession. The price for our redemption was paid in full by THE LORD.

He is no longer indebted to the devil. Neither are you indebted to the devil. Halleluiah! He is a God of NO DEBTS! That is why the ACCUSER OF YOUR DESTINY, cannot prevail! You owe Satan NO DEBTS!

When God purchased you, He paid a full price for you. If you don’t understand that you now belong to God and that the devil has no right over you again, you will never be able to live in victory over every thing that he throws in your face.

You will always be struggling with sin, sickness, demons, fear, lack, and every evil work of the devil. But when you begin to see yourself the way God sees you, life takes on a new meanıng. Take note of what Paul asked the Corinthians in today’s Basic Scripture: “Don’t you know that you are the temple of the Holy Ghost?

You see, the day that Jesus died and shed His Blood for you, the ownership of your body and soul changed. And when you became born again, the devil lost his right over you and Jesus became Lord. You are not the devil’s slave again. Receive abundant grace to fully live in liberty.

★Pray seriously on any personal lesson learnt today.
★Thank you LORD that You deal on CREDIT!

★Psalm 17:8 – LORD, keep me as the apple of Your eye, hide me in the shadow of Your wings!
★Lord, SILENCE the accuser of my destiny because YOU PAID MY DEBTS ON THE CROSS IN FULL!

★Praise God right now for total deliverance. Praise Him for paying the price in full in Jesus name
★Pray about today as led. Pray using the prayers on pages7-9 of this booklet daily.

★Devil, take your hands off my affairs. Take your hands off my health. Take your hands off my family. Take your hands off my blessings; IN JESUS NAME. I am no more under your domain. I AM NOW YOUR MASTER. KEEP OFF!

★Every agent of the devil, assigned to follow me about and pull me down, BE PARALYSED IN JESUS NAME.
★Pray about today and about the remaining days of 2021. Loose talk-of-town testimonies!

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